Catching Up


I LOVE reading about everything going on in the lives of my favorite Od’ers. I can relate so much to the things you are going through. I get so caught up reading about your lives that I never make it to my own page to actually write an entry. 

I cannot believe that Abby is five and a half months old already. I still think of her as a newborn, but she has grown and changed so much! She is still such a peanut, probably because I compare her to how big J and Gavin were at that age. She is a little over twelve pounds now and wearing mostly three month clothing. The one good thing about her size is that I have gotten my money’s worth out of her newborn clothes. With J and Gav they didn’t even wear half of what I had for them before outgrowing it. Abby is a very happy baby. She smiles easily and lets her brother’s treat her like one of the boys. I wish I had a dollar for every time I reminded them that we need to be gentle.

Gavin will be two at the end of the month. He is absolutely hilarious. He repeats everything that is said to him as if it were his own thought. He is obsessed with Jacob and does any and everything J suggests, often getting him in trouble. During the course of last week during my showers he let Jacob cut his hair (scissors from art box), took his diaper off and wiped poop all over the crib, and got into a bottle of Children’s tylenol that I hadn’t closed tightly enough. I cannot turn my head for a second with him. His saving grace is his facial expressions of genuine confusion when he gets in trouble. "What?? I wasn’t supposed to color on the table? Uh oh."

J is challenging. He was completely potty trained, but as of last week has been wetting the bed during the night. He has a hard time listening and often ignores directions. He has really good days and really challenging days. I am hoping when he starts preschool and gets on more of a schedule he will improve. My biggest concern is not listening and complete disregard for directions. He still has his sweet and tender heart–hoping this is just a phase.

I’m in the middle of subbing for a maternity leave. The class is fifth grade. I thought I would never go above preschool again, but I’m realizing that whatever grade I currently teach feels like the "best" grade to teach. I just love teaching and hope I get a full time job soon!!

Will and I are doing well. We went on a date Friday to see "Hope Springs". We were definitely not the right demographic to be seeing the movie. We didn’t even make it through the first hour before leaving. We were at one of those theatres that has lazy boy chairs and serves alcohol. Will accidently knocked over his glass of red wine on the lady sitting next to us. Have you ever noticed that everyone assumes you are drunk when you spill alcohol? She was definitely not a fan of ours.

Will and I are debating whether or not he should get a vasectomy. Our family feels complete with the addition of Abby, but I can’t wrap my head around the idea of being done having kids. i think I want one more, but will that just lead to me wanting another after that? I LOVE the newborn stage, but newborns don’t stay little for long, and raising children is wonderful, but often difficult. Part of me thinks that we should be thankful for the three we have and that it would be challenging to make individual time for our kids if we had any more. That being said, I was one of seven, and love the idea of big families. If we were to have another, we would like it to be in three or so years.


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August 12, 2012

OH MY! I can barely handle teaching as a mother of ONE- I can’t fathom the idea of three- let alone four! LOL I can hardly handle the toddler I have… more power to you. n

August 13, 2012

I’m glad everything is going well for you guys. I can’t imagine having another child…moms work so hard, yeesh!

August 15, 2012

I always forget that you have THREE kids. Wow.

August 16, 2012

Anyway, thanks for the kind words…it’s much appreciated!

August 18, 2012

Your enthusiasm for teaching inspires me. To be honest, sometimes I just don’t like it at all. I can’t imagine doing it for forever.

August 19, 2012

RE: You have a good memory! Yep, those guys are awesome and they are really good singers too!

August 21, 2012

Re: right now she’s being evil and cut him back to one day a week and his every other weekend. So I only get to see him every other weekend bc I don’t get off work before he takes him back to her on Monday’s. We’ll go three weekends without him right now bc labor day weekend is her weekend and she won’t swap to let Gavin go to the beach with us.

August 21, 2012

She couldn’t care less about Gavin’s feelings. Every move she makes is to spite Jeremy and keep Gavin away from me.

September 13, 2012

RE: Awww, thanks a lot. Your note made me smile a lot. 🙂