Back to school…..


Happy to report that things finally seem to be on the upswing. The past couple of months have been difficult emotionally and physically, but everything is starting to feel back to "normal".

Will and I have been communicating much better and I feel like we are reaching(or are close) the phase in our marriage where we understand and accept eachother without having to explain or justify our reasoning behind things. I mean, there are times when it’s necessary to understand where/why your partner is coming from, but other times it’s okay to just meet them where they are at. I used to need constant explanation for why Will had to work and be out of town so much, but I am coming to accept that it’s just part of his job as a pastor. One of the things I first loved about him was that he had such a heart for people, but the more it took away from my time with him, the more resentful I became. I am trying to be thankful/mindful of the fact that when he is home, he is(usually) 100% attentive. He gets that I loooove sleep. Where it used to annoy him that he was the one getting up with the kids on Saturday mornings, he now says he doesn’t even think twice about it. Just small examples, but for now our relationship seems to be flowing well.

I am feeling decently positive about work, although less motivated than I’d like. Hoping my motivation returns in the next couple of weeks as I finish out this trimester. I have been missing the older grades and hoping that I can get back into elementary in the next couple of years. I am not sure there will be openings at my school, but hoping!

Gavin started crawling at ELEVEN months! I was relieved because I was beginning to worry there might be a delay causing him to struggle. I had forgotten what it was like to have a little one constantly on the move and getting into things. Time to break out all of the baby locks again. Can’t take my eyes off him for a second or he finds trouble. Still the sweetest, most easy going baby I know.

Jacob is repeating two year old preschool because he has ZERO interest in potty training. I really wanted him to go on to the three’s program, but school policy states the 3’s have to be potty trained. He has a few friends in his class (kids of parents Will and I are close to), so it should be a good year for him.

Baby #3…….I am pretty sure this has been my most difficult pregnancy. Up until last week I felt like I was on nonstop emotional rollercoaster. Being sick and tired didn’t help. I have been craving fruit and fruit juice like crazy. My mouth waters just typing that. Not to say I’m not craving junk food too. 😉 I’ve gained five-ish pounds and am feeling okay about it. I stupidly bought and took the intelligender gender prediction test. My test results came back "boy"………hoping maybe it was wrong, but have a feeling we will be back in blues again. It will be okay(better than okay) either way…..I know it’s God plan for my family, but what mom doesn’t want to dress up a girl in cute clothes?

Anyone watching Bachelor Pad 2? Complete trash t.v. and yet still my favorite part of the week. 😉

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August 15, 2011

Glad things are going well with Will! I’m crossing my fingers that you have a girl! Nothing wrong with little boys of course but I think it’s time you had a little girl to dress up…they really do have cuter clothes even though boys clothes have come a long way lol when do you get to find out the sex? I’m watching BP2!…total trash and I totally love it LOL

August 15, 2011

RYN: also thank you for your note! the ultrasounds have been going really well…I can’t wait to join you in Mommyhood, I’m definitely ready 🙂

August 15, 2011

so excited for you and baby number three! i can’t wait to find out if it’s a boy or girl (i think since i am waiting to find out, i get extra excited when other people do and i can live vicariously through them, lol). glad things are going well with will too!

August 15, 2011

I love my boys, but I, too, hope for a girl some day. I think if you have a good relationship with your mother, it makes you desire to have that with your child. My mom and I are so close! Love Bachelor Pad! I hate drama in real life, but I drink it all in at night. 🙂 Gotta love guilty pleasures.

August 16, 2011

Glad your relationship with Will is going so well…I can’t imagine the stress of two kids, a pregnancy, all that…on TOP of a struggling relationship. Yikes.

August 17, 2011

I’m really glad that things are on the upswing for you both and that you’re communicating better! It’s key to relationships 🙂 Thanks for your notes; I always appreciate how much love and support you give me. xx Also, I am definitely watching Four Weddings! I’ve seen BP2 once or twice but Vienna makes me irate so it’s been difficult lol.

August 21, 2011

RYN: April 30th is my EDD