Almost 2 months!!

Will and I are getting married two months from tomorrow!!  I am getting so excited. I just want the last two months here in St. Louis to fly by so that I can be with him!

Will moved some of his stuff into our new apartment today. We aren’t officially moving in until we move in together after our wedding. The apartment is small, but it’s in a new complex, and is really modern looking. I have wedding showers every Saturday in the month of July. I can’t wait to get all of the stuff to put in our apartment! Ahhh! I am becoming more girly by the minute!

I am feeling better about the job situation-not awesome, but better.  In reality, it is probably best for me to take a year off from teaching anyway. It will give me time to get settled into married life and living in Cali. My dad has offered to pay 50% of my grad school expenses if I decide to go that route. There’s lots of good schools in the area where we are moving, so that is a definite possibility. Other than that I will most likely be working at a daycare, or waitressing. When I was crying about not having the job for next year Will was trying to make me feel better : "If it will make you happy we can make little Leah! (the name he wants for our first girl)". It was so cute the way he was trying to cheer me up.

Will is loving his new job! He preaches for the first time tomorrow. He’s preaching at three services tomorrow. I wish I could be there to see him. I do not know how pastors do it. I could NEVER in a million years write a 15 minute sermon and give it to hundreds of people every week. I would be terrified!

Some of the kids from his Youth Group took him surfing at Newport Beach on Friday. They were trying to teach him….they’ll need to keep trying. I love that he is bonding with them so early on. It makes me so happy that he is so happy.

My bulimia is out.of.control. I wonder if all of the stressors coming up are inducing it? It’s embarrassing because Will didn’t know the extent of it until I spent a week with him in California. I ended up bingeing/purging a lot of the food that he had at his place. It was so embarrassing when he asked me what had happened to the stuff. I hate for him to see the weakest parts of me, but that’s what being married is all about I guess. He was great about it.

Hope everyone is doing well!!

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June 30, 2007

I can’t believe that you are getting married so soon!! That is so wonderful and so exciting. Taking a year off from teaching probably isn’t a bad idea at all! If you miss it a lot then you will know for sure you want to get back into it. Settling into life in Cali and as a wife will be so exciting and fun and you’ll have time to enjoy it 🙂

Wow, that is REALLY awesome of your dad to pay 50% of your grad school expenses. Grad school can be so expensive. The school I’m going to is a “cheap” school but it’s still $514 a credit for grad students.

July 1, 2007

I’m so excited for you!! It will fly by, I just know it! Won’t seem like it now, but in hindsight, it definitely will!! How many square ft is ya’lls apartment? Showers are definitely SO much fun, but word to the wise, don’t keep it just because someone gave it to you. If it’s not your style, you already have it, or just probably just won’t use it, definitely take it back!

July 1, 2007

I’m so happy for you. 🙂 Congratulations *HUG* 🙂

July 5, 2007

I’m sorry you didn’t get the job, but you never know–something better and more exciting could be out there waiting for you! Hope everything else is going well; take care of yourself.

July 5, 2007

I laughed aloud when you told me about your dream about me. I’m sure I looked moronic ;).