
I don’t know why I haven’t been better about updating. Being as that I don’t have a job yet, I guess I don’t have much to write about.

Oh yeah, well, there’s the whole being married thing.  It seems like so much has happened in my relationship with Will since we got married, but I don’t know how to condense it into an entry. So far being married to Will is the best thing I have ever done in my life. We have way too much fun just hanging out and being stupid together. The other day he went grocery shopping and then asked me to help him bring in the groceries from the car. There were a dozen roses on the front seat for me.  He is really good about being sweet and romantic. I know I know….we have only been married two weeks, but I am keeping my fingers crossed he stays like this.

Yesterday his church had a wedding shower for us. The theme was "Date Night", so we got tons of gift certificates to restaurants in the area. We probably got close to $400 dollars in gift cards from the teachers and church staff. The church has been extremely generous to us.

I am officially on the sub list for our school, St. John’s. I have a couple of days already lined up, and they assure me I will be subbing a lot. I am happy with that for now, but CAN’T wait until I have my own classroom again.

Yesterday was Will’s birthday. We went out to eat at Joe’s Crab Shack with like ten people I don’t really know. It was pretty awkward for me, but I am trying to be open to meeting new people and making friends. I just get nervous around new people-esp. when I feel like they have certain expectations for me since I am their pastors wife.

Today is our one year anniversary. I can’t believe how much has happened since our first date a year ago!!! Insane.

We are leaving for Chattanooga Tennessee on Thursday. We are going for the weekend ao that Will can preach for his friends wedding. Again, I won’t know anybody, but that’s pretty standard these days.

Alright….I am gonna try to motivate myself to workout….after I catch up with my faves!


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September 18, 2007

OMG I think I’ve eaten there! Weird! Im glad to hear you are so happy 🙂

September 19, 2007

I am so happy for you…I’m glad you are subbing, it’s good that you stay sharp in your teaching. Plus, it gives the school a chance to see how great you are, so that next year, you’ll be a sure thing for a permanent position. And Yay for that shower…what a great idea. You two can have so many great date nights 🙂

September 21, 2007

I love how happy you sound. It’s fabulous, just like you! It’s so hard meeting people, I agree, but it’s so great to have new friends to hang out with and experience Cali with :). Try to stick to familiar topics at first and then expand from there when you’re more comfortable. Hope it all goes well.

November 21, 2007

im behind on all my favorites lol its taking me forever to catch up.. i take a day off from od and im so behind on everyones life including my own..silly huh lol? WOW flowers on the front seat of the car already after 2 weeks of marriage? Awsome guy. 🙂 Wow $400 in gift cards? Awsome :)Congrats on the 1 year anniversary of dating. :)You two got married pretty fast huh? 🙂