
My car is broken.  We were driving home from the store last night around 8ish and when we tried to put the car in park, the shaft kept getting stuck, and so we could not put the car in park or take the keys out of the ignition. Luckily we found a service center right as they were closing. We were able to drop off our car for the night. They took the battery out so that the car would shut off. I don’t know what we would have done if we hadn’t gotten to the place in time. We are both clueless about cars. So anyway, the car place was about 4 miles away from our apartment. Rather than get a cab (yeah, that was my vote), Will thought we should just walk home. We had just bought an ironing board and he decided he needed to carry it home with us so that he could iron in the morning. My metro husband!  I definitely wasn’t wearing walk friendly shoes, but the walk ended up being fun/funny.

*TMI* We had our first almost decent feeling sex last night! Yay!! The other times it hurt so bad I could barely stand it. Last night didn’t feel good for me, but at least it didn’t hurt too bad. We have a hallway in our apartment that is covered by mirror faced closets. We did it on the floor in front of the mirrors. I was trying to have fun with it as much as I could since I wasn’t enjoying it for sexual reasons, so I was watching us in the mirror and pretending we were in a movie. Yes, I am ridiculous and embarrassed for myself.

We have a youth group activity with Will’s kids tonight. He wants me to go with him. It’s normally something I would be excited about, but anti-social anxiety is getting the best of me lately.

Will and I got a wedding present in the mail from his ex- girlfriend Rachel. It’s wierd because they aren’t friends anymore. Not sure what to make of it. Oh well, not a big deal.

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September 12, 2007

I’m so sorry to hear about your car!! I hope that it is able to be fixed without costing an arm and a leg! Funny story about mirrors – TMI perhaps, but oh well. When Jeff moved into his dorm room it came with a mirror at the end of the bed – a full length one that we can’t get off. It is pretty strange and I don’t like it so much! We decided that we need to throw a blanket

September 12, 2007

over it or something, haha. …hope you guys got a good present from the ex! Can’t complain about a free gift, huh?

September 12, 2007

Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Not all sexual encounters are A+ ones for me either, you have to do something to get yourself more into it!

September 12, 2007

Sex that isn’t bad is atleast good sex in my book! As long as it isn’t painful, it’s always a plus. I had an ex give us $200 in ones for our wedding. Of course, he was AT our wedding and I am still atleast halfway friends with him, so it’s not as odd.

Even if sex-sex hurts, oral sex is amazzzzzzzzzzzing!!!!!!!! You will love that, if you haven’t done it already.

September 12, 2007

Have you talked to a doctor about the pain you have during sex? That sucks about your car. 🙁

September 12, 2007

Strange about the ex-girlfriend. Girls can be so weird. Sex gets better – I promise!

September 13, 2007

Don’t worry about it, the pain lasted awhile for me. Things are wonderful now! Oh, we’ve tried the mirror thing before. It was embarrassing at first, but I like it now 🙂 I hope your car repair doesn’t cost too much!

September 15, 2007

ryn: there’s always a chance because we use no birth control, he just pulls out, but I just got off my period a week ago, so I doubt it. For a day or so, I thought it was West Nile. There’s been a lot of cases in MS, and I got bitten by something the other day that made the bite turn REALLY red. The headaches and sickliness started around that time, but the bite mark has disappeared now.

September 15, 2007

…so I seriously doubt it. I just noticed the really red bite around the same time I started getting headaches so it made me wonder. A couple of people in our county have been infected, so that’s definitely freaky!

November 21, 2007

wedding present from the ex gf..how weird..id just give that away to Goodwill. .lol:)