

I have been such a walking mood swing lately. Poor Will.  I go from being completely fine, to a basket case, back to fine with no reasoning what-so-ever. I of course will blame the pregnancy.

In my last entry I talked about how Will was going to be going out of town this week to chaperone a Jr. High camping trip. I decided that I really didn’t want to be left alone all week, so guess who’s helping to chaperone? Yep. Me and my huge self will be sleeping in a camp style bunk bed with a cabin of Jr. High girls for the week. As crazy as it is, I am actually kind of looking forward to it. Since I have been on bedrest the past few weeks, I have been beyond bored. Now that Jacob can come when he wants too, I am looking forward to having something to do. Our hospital is 2 hours away from the camp, so Will and I will just leave immediately if anything starts happening. I would rather be two hours away from the hospital with Will, than 2 minutes away without him. The kids are all leaving today, but since I have an ob/gyn tomorrow (and um…to be honest, it’s the season finale of the Bachelorette ), I am driving down to meet them Tuesday. We will be back Friday.

I got a pre-baby pedicure the other day! It’s super cute! A cute blue color with white flowers on each big toe. I also got my hair cut and highlighted. I want Jacob to think his mommy is pretty!  The haircut was an ordeal. I thought I would go a less expensive route than normal, and try out a beauty school. The only problem was that almost all of the people there spoke spanish. It pissed me off a little because they knew english-they spoke it to me, but when talking to eachother (about me!) they were speaking spanish. Not to mention I was there for FIVE hours. I am pretty sure I was a learning experiment for them. There was never less than four people standing around me, and they kept taking turns working on me. Oh well. $40 later I was in love with my haircut. Shockingly, I think that is where I will be getting my hair cut now.

We got J’s nursery completely finished yesterday! We did a farm animal theme. It’s very cute–pastel pigs, ducks, cows. We like it because it’s gender neutral, so we will be able to use it for baby #2 whenever that day comes.

Will and I went to a 4th of July party at my friend Andrea’s house. Her daughter was in my class last year. One of the drunk men at the party told me that my "girth was frightening". So not what I wanted to hear. Admittedly I have a ginornmous ball in my stomach, but (thankfully) that is for the most part where I have gained weight. The man who said it has a daughter who will be in my class next year. I will have to remind him of his nice comment.

I keep thinking about how exciting it will be to get back to my "old" self. I get excited about working out hard core and just feeling "normal" again. I think I really have no clue what an adjustment it will be having the J-man here.

I had a dream that my water broke last night. It was insane though–like a power hose shooting out of me! Haha.

My thoughts in these entries are so random. For those of my faves who are actual writers, forgive me!

Okay….enough rambling. This is what happens when I go too long without updating!

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July 6, 2008

The camping trip sounds fun! And it is so exciting that Jacob will be here soon!

July 6, 2008

have fun on the camping trip!

July 6, 2008

Haha your comment about your water breaking dream is hilarious

July 6, 2008

Oh! I bet camping will be fun, actually. It will be so nice for you to get out and do stuff…I bet you’re tired of being in your house after bedrest. So have fun! I hope he doesn’t pick his birthday one of those days though- 2 hours from the hospital is a long way! Though I COMPLETELY understand why you’d rather be that far away with Will than much closer without him. It makes perfect sense to

July 6, 2008

me! I’ve always wanted to try a beauty college but I’m afraid they’d screw up my hair and I wouldn’t be happy…sounds like that may not be the case though. At least here I’m reasonably sure they’d speak English as we probably have way less Spanish-speaking residents in Ohio than you do in California. Congrats on getting the nursery finished! I’d be thrilled if we could just get the crib put

July 6, 2008

together!! I guess we have a couple weeks but still… I bet your girth is not frightening. I bet it’s beautiful…what a douchebag. I’ve never been able to understand why people can’t just think before they speak, or at least understand that pregnant women have feelings too and it’s so RUDE to talk about someone else’s body that way!! Ugh. I feel your pain. I’m glad you didn’t pee the bed when

July 6, 2008

you had that dream! I had a dream not long ago that I was peeing on my hands and I woke up…luckily I wasn’t REALLY peeing on my hands. I have had water breaking/labor dreams yet…I’m a little curious how strange they’ll be given the oddness of my usual dreams anyway. kristen

July 6, 2008

Good luck with the baby!

July 6, 2008

Your girth frightening? Highly doubtful, but so rude to hear!! Enjoy your camping trip! I bet you’ll have a lot of fun 🙂 Jacob is such a cute name 🙂

July 6, 2008

Have a blast on the camping trip!! Sounds like it really will be a good time 🙂

July 6, 2008

I think you would look SO pretty pregnant! Ignore that guy! (I love that his daughter is in your class soon, though, haha!) I love your dream, and the fact that you’re all dolled up for Jacob. So cute. Also, I’m sure the moodswings are hormones. You won’t have much more of that to go, so don’t worry about it too much!

July 7, 2008

a pedicure is on my list for before i go back home. i’ve never had one!! don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get your body back to “normal” after J arrives – it doesn’t happen right away. my body STILL isn’t the same as before K was born and I’ve accepted that.

July 7, 2008

ryn…you really want to know? I mean you’re already preggars… I had to google it to find out how to do it. It’s basically sticking your “very clean” finger up there and seeing if it’s soft/firm, open/closed, and high/low, sticky/watery/egg white like moistness. Good luck with your baby! I can tell by your ticker you’re almost due! How exciting!

July 7, 2008

i could really go for a pedicure right about now… ryn: i feel like i dont know where to begin with curriculum stuff. there is so much planning to be done, and i don’t have the slightest idea of where to start!!! oh well, it’ll all get done, because it has to 🙂 have a good trip!

July 7, 2008


July 7, 2008

Are you supposed to be on bed rest until the birth or just for the past couple of weeks? I hope the trip is fun and that it takes your mind off of things. n

July 8, 2008

I watched the Bachelorette last night even tho it was my first time watching it this season. It was so good.Stuff like that always makes me all teary eyed, i was glad with her choice! SO only 16 days! you could go ANY day now. I hear if you stimulate your nipples you can go early. I was stimulating my nipples the day before I went into labour and look what happened! lol, GOODLUCK with the delivery

July 15, 2008

Miss Min… I think I just might be dating the man I’m going to marry…. (or maybe it’s just me being very excited about a new and fantastic relationship; we’ll see)