
Out of nowhere I feel like a total bridezilla today.  I was so casual about everything, but all of the sudden I am stressing over every detail. I think  know I am driving my family crazy, Heck, I am driving myself crazy.

It’s just all hitting me now–the realization of everything. I am getting MARRIED! I am MOVING TO CALIFORNIA! I have NO JOB! The lack of job is my biggest stress right now. I know I will find something to do workwise, but it will feel so stange to not teach next year. For the past two years I have defined myself as a teacher…..

I am feeling annoyed as my maid of honor. She lives in Wisconsin, so I knew she wouldn’t be able to be hands on with any pre-wedding stuff. The only thing I was really hoping for was a bachelorette party. About a month ago she asked me if I was having one….it was funny at the time. I had to remind her that usually the maid of honor heads that up. She just took a job as a nanny for a family….it’s a daytime job like 9-4. She is coming down for the wedding August 31st, the day of the rehearsal dinner. Originally she was going to come down on the 30th so that we could do a bachelorette party then, but now she tells me she doesn’t want to ask off the day from babysitting. Maybe I am being selfish, but seriously, she is my best friend. Can she seriously not ask the people she babysits for if she can take two instead of one day off for my wedding? It’s six weeks advance notice. Mostly I guess my feelings are hurt. I have other friends and bridesmaids who I know will take the planning over, but I was wanting Lisa to do it. I am being melodramatic.  I told you guys…bridezilla. 🙂

I need to come up with table centerpieces. My colors are a purple similar to my diary and silver. The reception place provides square mirrors and candles…I want to add to that. Any ideas?

I have also asked the music teacher at my old school if my former students could sing at the wedding. I am debating whether or not that is a good idea. It would mean SO much to me to have them involved, but there is no way we could afford to invite all of them to the reception. There are some families who are invited, but that is mostly because I became close to the parents as I taught their child. I of course like all of the famlies and wish everyone could be invited, but cost doesn’t allow that. So, is it tacky to have the kids (34 of them) sing at my wedding, but not invite them to the reception?? I was thinking maybe I could do a quick cake reception with them at the ceremony site? I don’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt.

Wanna see where Will and I are going to be living? http://www.terraceorangeapts.com  I am excited! If you look on the virtual photo tours we have one of the apartments with the Brussels floor plan.

Alright….time to write some thank you notes…..

Have a great night faves!

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July 15, 2007

Wedding planning is so stressful. I am such an easy going tomboy most of the time, but when planning my wedding, towards the end I started going a little crazy. So I would say don’t feel too bad about it, happens to the best of us haha.My sister had purple, silver, and white for her wedding colors! She had really pretty centerpieces, they were purple tulips arranged in small bunches tied upwith white thread and one or two tall silvery swirly things sticking out of the flower bunches (the kind that you get in flower shops, they’re hard to explain haha) and she surrounded those with small votives. It was very simple and elegant.

July 15, 2007

Those floir plans look amazing! That is going to be a really nice place and I am sure that you are excited to move in and get settled in with your new life! Things will fall into place, you just have to trust that. Sure it might be stressful now but when is moving not? Especially when you are taking the big leap that you are. But just trust that everything will be ok. And you have Will 🙂

July 15, 2007

Yeah, the planning was so stressful for us that it detracted from the occasion. We decided to forget about the bridal party and did a family oriented ceremony. I didn’t get a bach. party and barely had a shower, but I didn’t have to deal with bridal party issues… n

July 15, 2007

Dollar tree has some neat wedding decor and candle holders… n

July 15, 2007

I think if she hurt your feelings she should know. Honestly, you get married ONCE. This is the ONE time you are asking her for a favour, and it’s ridiculous that she is being selfish (it is selfish) about it. Her employers, I’m sure, would be completely understanding. Ugh. I’m sorry, this probably isn’t helping. If you need to vent on here about your wedding or ask advice for planning, do it! That’s why we’re here :). Love!

July 16, 2007

There is a lot that goes into wedding planning! Oddly enough, I found it all to be fun and not stressful in the least. But then again, I had very few people at the wedding because I don’t have a lot of friends. LOL. Good luck with your wedding! And how wonderful to be living in California. That is a beautiful state.

The thing about her not wanting to ask to take off sounds very fishy. Maybe it’s not about her not wanting to take off…maybe she can’t afford to help with a bachelorette party and feels funny telling you. Those things can be extremely expensive, and if she is working as a nanny, maybe she doesn’t have much money.

I know if one of my friends was getting married in like a year (after my bank account dwindles significantly because I have to pay for my own tuition), I would have a very hard time paying for a bachelorette party, flying out, paying for my dress, paying for a gift, etc. I mean, I make $10 an hour. I would feel like shit if I couldn’t help out more, as I’m sure your friend does if the reason she isn’t being more helpful is financial. Plus, it’s kind of a hard thing to tell someone..”um, I can’t help because I’m poor”. It can be a humiliating thing to say ya know. So I don’t know. I would just be open to what other reasons there might be and maybe have a talk with her (and not accuse her of anything, of course). If she is your best friend and has been nice to you for years, I don’t think she would intentionally screw you over. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was financially related.

ryn: Okay…I didn’t know all that. Now I’m mad at her, too! lol