
This past weekend was AWESOME. My best friend (maid of honor) Lisa and her boyfriend Steve came down from Wisconsin. She is one of those friends where no matter how much time passes, we are able to pick up right where we left off. I miss her, and that was only intensified by spending time with her this weekend. I don’t really do an awesome job of making close girlfriends. I have lots of casual friends, but I have a hard time finding someone I can open up to and be totally real–that is Lisa. AH, I love her! We went to the Arch on Saturday. It was only the second time I have ever been up it in my entire life living in St. Louis. I guess it’s one of those things that if you’ve done it once, you’ve seen all there is to see. Actually, it does have an awesome view of Busch Stadium that might have been kind of cool to see when they were rebuilding the stadium.  Mostly it just feels like looking out an airplane window.

Will and I are going to California this weekend. He graduates from Seminary Friday night, and then we leave early Saturday morning. I talked to the pastor via e-mail, and there is a possibility they will have a kindergarten position opening at the school. To say I want it badly is an understatement. He said he’ll know more later this week.

This is my last Monday as a fourth grade teacher EVER. I am thisclose to having survived my year of teaching. The freedom is so close I can taste it.

The Bachelor is on tonight, which although a little pathetic, excites me more than probably anything else will this week.

If you haven’t seen "Night at the Museum" you should rent it. Such an awesome movie.

This morning I woke up at 4:30 and had a thought pop in my head about a guy I used to date–his name was Brian, but I cannot for the life of me remember what his last name was. I spent an hour thinking through last names trying to remember his. Seriously ridiculous. I am not going to talk to the guy ever again-there is no reason why I need to know his last name, but it cost me my favorite last hour of sleep. Sad.

Happy Monday!

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May 14, 2007

I hope they have an opening for you!!! How great that would be!

May 14, 2007
May 14, 2007

that would be so great if you could get that job!!!! I think you would love that! Ugh, I have one more Monday!! Boooo on that!

May 14, 2007

How exciting! n

May 15, 2007

Sounds like an awesome weekend!!! Ferrero Rocher = best chocolate ever! They are little round balls with four layers: The outside layer is nuts, the 2nd is chocolate, the third is a crispy layer, and the 4th is squishy hazelnut chocolate. And then inside that all is a little nut. SO GOOD! And they come in gold foil in little plastic boxes.

May 16, 2007

Have fun in Cali! Take pictures and tell us all about it!