
I hadn’t planned on seeing Will last night, but he called me right after school to see what I was up to. He had a basketball game, but wanted to know if I wanted to get dinner afterwards. I didn’t think I would be able to because I had a lot of school work to do, and I knew his game wouldn’t end until around 9:00 anyway. I told him that, and then he was like "Well, how about if I just come out to see you after my game?". I thought it was strange because then he wouldn’t get to me until after ten, and being a teacher I go to bed early, so he wouldn’t be able to stay long. I decided to just go to his game. After the game we went back to his room so that he could get ready, and he gave me another rose. This one said "WILL". So now there are two. I am going to a bible study tonight with some of his friends’ wives, and he asked me if he could see me afterwards to give me another piece of the puzzle. I like this game, it’s fun.

Last night we went to Applebees with a group of his friends. One of his friends had been in a skiing accident (nothing serious) over break. He was telling us about his trip to the E.R, and his doctor was Travis Storck from the Bachelor!! He said it was funny because he had been unconscious and so by the time he got to the ER he was lightheaded and not feeling right. He thought he was in a t.v. show like ER or something because his doctor was so good looking. He didn’t find out until they were leaving that he had been on the bachelor. Man, I wish I had taken that boy to the emergency room!

Alright…time to teach.

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January 10, 2007

So the message so far is I Will… What’s the rest??? This is a fun game! Oh I remember that bachelor! He was good looking. I wouldn’t mind him being my doctor. That’s crazy!

January 10, 2007

i will… man if i was you.. i would be freaking out!!

January 10, 2007

ooh i can’t wait to find out what the whole sentence is…he is so sweet, most guys don’t do things that nice and creative

January 10, 2007

I will…always love you? hehe, that’s all I got.

January 10, 2007

man, I couldn’t wait for the next piece! I would bug the crap out of him to know what the rest was!!! EVen though we KNOW it has something to do with asking you to marry him…it has to be

January 10, 2007

Can’t wait to hear more!

January 10, 2007

Oooh! What a fun game!

January 10, 2007

Awwwwww how sweet. I’ll bet it’s something sweet like “I Will Love You Forver” or something. So sweet! What a romantic guy.