
Five months from yesterday I get a new last name.  There are(more often than not) days where I want it to happen right now, and days where I want life to slow down so that I don’t have to face all of the scary changes ahead.

Will and I are figuring out eachother–something most couples do long before they get engaged. It’s exciting and fun, but I am learning just how different we are. Will is the definition of anal(I say this in the most loving way possible). He has everything organized and categorized. His clothes are in color order, then shirt sleeve length. He has colognes set aside for certain outfits (a certain one for casual clothes, different for more formal, probably 10-12 different ones total).His books and CD’s are alphabetized……….the list could seriously go on forever.

Then there’s me. I do laundry and leave it in the basket until the next time I wear it. My socks never match. I could live out of my car because it has everything I could ever need stored in the back seats. The chaos that is my room is almost embarrassing. I am one of the least organized people I know (much to my dismay).

So now we are trying to figure out how to blend two lives wthout driving eachother crazy. It’s almost entertaining. I just realized this past weekend that whenever I randomly set something down, WIll picks it up and puts it in a designated spot.

We have really open, solid communication–there’s yet to be any major fights. It’s by far the most healthy relationship I have ever been in.

My wedding dress came in!! Yay!

Bulimia….horrible, disgusting, all consuming sometimes.

The Bachelor starts up again tonight. I live for that show…….embarrassing, I know.

Such a random entry.

Love you faves.

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April 2, 2007

A relationship can’t be healthy until you’ve had a few major fights and have learned how to resolve them affectively. Good luck with the fighting 🙂 Congrats on your engagement!

April 2, 2007

I love how sentimental you sound here. It’s so sweet. “I do laundry and leave it in the basket until the next time I wear it. My socks never match…The chaos that is my room is almost embarrassing.” A kindred spirit! I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one like this. I try my hardest to put laundry away, but it’s so time-consuming and annoying, and my room just doesn’t stay CLEAN. Oh, well.Wes is kind of like a Molly Maid (hehe) and he helps balance it out.

April 2, 2007

P.S. I want to see pictures of your dress!

April 2, 2007

One more thing–I disagree with your first noter. Just because you don’t have major fights doesn’t mean your relationship isn’t healthy. Everyone fights differently. As long as you know how to fight in a healthy, constructive way and use those arguments to better your relationship, you are doing just fine!

April 3, 2007

Josh and I are the same way… he wants everything in its place and well i can live out my car, i dont care if my laundry is folded much less hung up. but when i do… thats when i get like will.. has to be in order by color and then shirt length. wow i’m strange. i want to see pics of your dress and the fighting thing. Josh and I have been married for a year and half and we still dont know how..

April 3, 2007

to fight. but then i guess we arent the most healthy relationship in the world. Good Luck!

April 3, 2007

I’m sure you both will bring out the best in each other. hehe I always say that about Matt. I remember everything and he forgets everything. =)

April 3, 2007

ack I missed Bachelor last night!!i love that show too! I think it’s a teacher thing…I live out of my back seat as well!!

April 3, 2007

You and your future husband will work things out just fine. It’s funny, but my husband and I went through the same thing. You give and take, and it blends together perfectly. 🙂

April 4, 2007

glad that you’re doing well! 🙂 I hope you were/are able to come to good compromise on the anal, not so anal thing 🙂

April 16, 2007

just randomed on by….that’s funny because i too have everything i could ever need for any reason…in the backseat of my car.LOL