
My kids are being so well behaved today. I am actually having fun teaching them, which hasn’t happened in a long time!  I hope and pray they stay like this for the next six weeks!

My best friend at this school was told that she is not being given a contract to come back next year. Technically Lutheran school teachers are "called", meaning it’s a God thing, and not a normal job contract. we aren’t supposed to be "fired". What’s worse, is that the principal told her that if she did not write a letter to our congregation saying it was her choice to leave, then the synod would be contacted and our principal would not give her references for other jobs. This would ruin any chances she has of getting another teaching job in a Lutheran school. The principal hasn’t liked her since the day he got here. She is one of the best teachers at my school. It’s so sad.I work with her very regularly and know there is no valid reason for her to be fired. The principal has sat in her classroom once this year for a 20 minute observation. I am so thankful to be getting out of here next year.

The Bachelor is on tonight. I am obssessed with that show.

Alright, free reading time is over…back to the kiddos.

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April 16, 2007

oh heck no!!I wouldn’t write that letter if I were her. I would write the letter and tell them what she was told to do!! That is WRONG. She is being blackmailed by her own principal!!!

April 16, 2007

That makes me really sad for her. I feel like when you are representing God, honesty should be factored into the equation.

April 16, 2007

That principal sounds like a power hungry psycho. Glad you’re getting out of there!

Wow, some “moral,” “holy” principal you got there. That’s just horrible.

Not like she’d ever do this and I’m sure it’d cause a huge uproar, but it’d be interesting if she got the principal on (hidden) tape saying all of that, and then turned the principal’s bitch ass in.

April 17, 2007

My mom is addicted to that show too. She is always talking about The Bachelor. LOL.

April 19, 2007

I often think about you in my Education classes and wonder how your kids are doing! I observe in a Kindergarten classroom and I didn’t think that I would like the younger ones, but I LOVE them!! I’m thinking that I want to do my student teaching in 1st grade, but we’ll have to wait and see how it goes!

April 19, 2007

RYN: I hope so! I will be in England for 5 weeks but other than that I am not working when I’m home so we plan to see each other quite a bit. He is doing research at school, which is 2.5 hours from me. We have tickets to go see Dave Matthews, he is going to visit me at my beach house and we are going to go into NYC to see a jazz concert! So hopefully it all works out 🙂