
Minor annoyance of the day: I was at the gym working out. They only have two(one of which is broken right now) of an awesome machine that I love. I don’t know why–it’s really popular, they need more. They have like 20 of every other machine, but anyway. So I was working out on the machine. I programmed in a normal 30 minute workout.  A woman stood about 8 inches behind me for 15 minutes of my 30 minute workout. She kept making impatient faces and noises, and then made some snotty comments about me to the guy on the machine next to us about me monoplolizing the machine. It was ridiculous. I almost went up to her when I noticed her workout was going a little long, but I am not the confrontational girl my imagination sometimes pretends I am. I guess it made my workout better though–I was so frustrated at her that instead of counting down the minutes until I was done I was just getting mad and working out harder. Thank you obnoxious lady at the gym.

School starts up again tomorrow. Six and a half weeks left. Definitely doable.

Four and a half months until I get married and move. Definitely scary.

Alright..time to stop procrastinating and write some lesson plans……..

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That was stupid of her. Most machines at my gym say that there’s a 30 minute max, so that was weird of her for getting so bent out of shape about you being on there for what around here would be a normal and totally acceptable amount of time.

April 15, 2007

ugh. I would have been frustrated. Good luck w/ the next 6.5 weeks. Yay for “down time” in the summer before getting married. That’ll be nice.

April 15, 2007

You know what would be awesome–even though you’re non-confrontational? If someone/she did that again, after you’re finished say, “Thank you for being obnoxious. I was so annoyed with you I had a great workout!” haha. I’d love to see that.

April 15, 2007

I HATE that! I can’t stand when people do that, especially when I have the maching booked. I had this presentation to do on Friday afternoon in a gr.4 classroom and I thought of you. I can’t imagine how stressful it must get! I was only there for 2 hrs and I was already frustrated! It might have just been this school, but those kids were crazy!!!

April 16, 2007

How rude!! I would have turned around and asked her what she wanted….in my imagination. Like you, however, I would have just kept on going in real life. I, too, like to think of myself as confrontational, but I’m really not!