
 I Stole this boyfriend survey….I have nothing better to write about.

His name: Will

His age: 26

How many years between you: almost a year

How long have you been together: It seems like way longer, but five months

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Brown.

Hair style: Cut pretty short, has a little bit of curl to it.

Normal Outfit: He is more fashion conscious than I am…he is always in Abercrombie clothes or something similar.

How did you meet: My uncle was one of his professors. They were working out in the school weight room one day and my uncle asked him if he was single. When he found out Will was he told him that he had a proposition for him. I was that proposition. 🙂 We went on a blind date a couple of weeks later.


How serious is it: Got the ring. Got the dress. It’s serious.

Do you love him: Without a doubt

Does he love you: Without a doubt 

Do your parents like him: They love him

Do your pets: I don’t have any pets that live with me, but the pets at my parents house seem to like him.

Do you trust him: Completely.

Enough to drive your car(assuming you have one): Yes.

Would you share a toothbrush with him: Sure, I guess.

Does he let you wear his pants: He would probably let me if I wanted to……

Do you have a shirt of his to sleep in that smells like him: Yeah, but his smell wore off.

Do you like the way he smells: YES

Can you picture having kids with him: I already have names picked out

What do you like the most about him: I love how much he cares about people. I really don’t think there is a person who knows him who doesn’t like him. I love that he has let me in completely and that he trusts me with everything. I love that I trust him enough to let him know my secrets. I love the way I feel when I am with him. There is so much I love…..On a superficial level I think he is super hot! 🙂

What bothers you the most about him: He can be a little vain. He is prettier than I am.

Does he have a temper: I’ve only seen him mad once–even then it was more sad than mad. He is a talker though, so if he’s ever upset we will talk and talk and talk and talk…….until things are worked out.

What is the best present he’s ever given you: An engagement ring…..mostly I love the random flowers, letters, mixed CD’s.

Does he have a cute nickname for you: He calls me mind (short i), and he is one of the few people who call me Melinda. He also calls me Truesy sometimes (short for my last name).

Do you have a nickname for him: One day before we were engaged he told me I was his girlfriend, soon to be "f " word….he didn’t catch it a first, but I thought it was hilarious, so I sometimes call him my little "f" word (for fiance). 🙂

Does he embarass you in public: No

Are you happy to be with him: YES!

Do you think you could do better:  I love him, what could be better than that? 

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March 6, 2007

What bothers you the most about him: He can be a little vain. He is prettier than I am Er. No. He’s not. Because not much can top beautifully wonderfully gorgeous. Which YOU are, silly!

March 6, 2007

ryn: aww I’m sorry you’re is so far away sweety! 🙁 I love the Dave Ramsey class. I mean, you could probably just buy the books and do it on your own, but it’s nice to have a support system with the class.

March 7, 2007

how cute 🙂 i don’t think you can find anyone better, he is great!