
It is nearly impossible to teach when the weather is so perfect. My kids want to be outside. I want to be outside. Nect week as this time I will be in Mexico!! I am so glad that I decided to use my personal days to go. I am looking forward to the break from teaching, and to be honest a break from my students. I so hope that my next teaching job is for a lower grade level.

This whole wedding thing is becoming surreal. In less than six months Will and I are going to married!  It’s just crazy how quickly life can change. Nothing that is my life or seems familiar will be the same next year. For someone who hates change, I am surprisingly okay with it. I want time to pass. I hate the waiting. I want to be done teaching for the year. I want to be all packed up and moved. I want to come home at night to Will, not Amber. Soon enough.

There is a guy I met several years ago when I worked at summer camp. I met him at a camp called "Team USA", which is a camp for people with mental handicaps. He is probably close to 50 years old, and is one of the kindest people I have ever met. Anyway, he writes me letters all of the time. Seriously–I probably have over 100 two to three page letters. He has it in his head that we are in love and going to get married. I wrote him a letter to share with him the exciting news that I am getting married. He sent me back the funniest letter. It said "Mindy, I am lyi not lying this time. I read about this minister named Will from St. Louis who is getting married to another woman. I will save the newspaper clipping for you so that you know not to get married to him".

I have got to get my eating disorder stuff under control. It’s completely out of of hand. I know Mexico will be good for me–no chance to do the bulimia stuff.

What was I thinking when I bought girl scout cookies from every student in the school who asked me to? I will be eating these things until I die.

And now for my girly moment….I love Will so much!! 🙂

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March 14, 2007

LOL! That guy sounds like a riot and a little disturbing at the same time. 😉

March 14, 2007

I’ll pray that you can keep your eating disorder under control. Are there any support groups you can join? Wow! Time is flying by so quickly! How are the wedding plans coming along? Haha, I love Girl Scout cookies too! You’re so sweet to buy them from your kids.

March 14, 2007

girl scout cookies are our last gorge of fatty foods before we all feel the need to get in shape for summer

March 15, 2007

i love you girly moment!!!!!! eat some cookies for me..i still havent got any this year.. i’m going nuts!!!

March 15, 2007

you are so adorable 🙂

March 22, 2007

I was going to be all, “Where are you!?” but then I remembered you’re in Mexico. Hope you’re having fun!