
My principal makes me furious. How can you become a principal when you have no social skills? I sent him another e-mail this morning. I told him that I didn’t want to bombard him with e-mails, but that I was curious as to whether or not he had given any thought to the e-mails I sent him last week. The e-mails all addressed questions I had about my evaluation. When he and I met the day I got the evaluation, he told me that if he checked my Thursday morning church attendance and I had been there, then he would consider revising my score from a 2 (Needs improvement) to a 3 (average). When he checked he told me that I had missed 2 services. I took this to mean "Hey, Mindy-you’re right, you only missed 2 services all year, I will change your eval." So he sent me back an e-mail today " I have given it thought. I am just not sure what you want me to do about it. Let me know if you  have suggestions".  Ignorant. Ignorant. Ignorant. Why don’t you change the score on my evaluation so that it accurately(or as close to it as he’ll ever acknowledge) reflects the job I am doing?! I hate the way he plays favorites. He practically worships the ground Amber (my roommate) walks on. I am just so frustrated. I feel like I have ZERO support at this school. I felt so cared about by the principal last year. There were times when I disagreed with decisions she made, but ultimately I knew she had my back. It is a terrible feeling to dislike the place where you work and spend so much of your time. I need to stay professional and not let my emotions get in the way. It’s hard though………

Wedding planning is going AWESOME! We are in the process of picking food. We are having Hand Carved Roast Beef, but we need to choose a second main course option. What do you guys think we should go with? Chicken in Wine Sauce, Peppered Pork Loin, Filet of Sole Almondine(never heard of this), Seafood Newburg(I love this, but not sure guests would), or Chicken Marsala?

We also need to pick three of the following: Red skinned potatoes in butter sauce, scalloped potatoes, potatoes au gratin, broccoli in butter sauce, rotini in white sauce, mostaciolli, pasta con broccoli, broccoli au gratin(this sounds so good to me, but not sure how guests would feel about it), green bean almondine, carrots amaretto, peas with pearl onions (yuck), medley of vegetables, or cauliflower au gratin.

Last but not least…one of the following: broccoli/cauliflower salad, ambrosia, fruit salad, marinated vegetable salad, or seafood pasta salad.

I need to get rid this bad mood.

So many choices……….

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February 7, 2007

I’d say Chicken Marsala, so guests can have a choice between red and white meat. 🙂 I’m sorry about your principal. That is sooo frustrating. ((HUGS))

February 7, 2007

I think you should do chicken marsala as the second meat, then do red skinned potatos, green beans almondine (they are soooo DELICIOUS!), and maybe carrots amarette…then do a marinated veggie salad since you’ll have cake for dessert and fruit salad is kind of a dessert like salad.

February 7, 2007

He is so clueless! I’m so glad for you that you won’t have to be there next year. I would suggest the seafood meal for those who are vegetarians. The chicken in wine sauce sounds nice too! If you do a meat as the second main dish, I suggest the pasta con broccoli as one of your choices for those who either don’t like the meat or are vegetarians. I would also choose the medley of veggies because that dish looks so beautiful with all the colors. We had a fruit salad and our reception and it was a huge hit! Good luck making those decisions! I hope I was a little helpful.

February 7, 2007

ditto to +katie+’s answer…those would be my choices, except I’d go with the broccoli au gratin or Mostaciolli (based on where you live :)) in place of the green beans or carrots. Everybody loves a little pasta.

February 7, 2007

Almondine = with almonds. We had green beans almondine at our wedding. I’d pick a chicken dish. The red-skinned potatoes/potatoes au gratin, green beans almondine, and veggie medley would be my choices. And I’d pick fruit salad for the last.

February 7, 2007

something chicken.. some people dont eat pork… me!! i know i wont be there but.. ugh… your principal sounds like a JERK!!! what happen to Princi PAL!dont sound like it to me.. have you picked out a dress? how many brides maids colors of the wedding anything girlie like that?

February 7, 2007

i would also go with chicken, either one, because the above noter is right many people (myself included) don’t like pork (and not for religious reasons)… then i’d do some potatoe (i like any and all potatoe choices), medley (most people will at least like some of the vegetables in the medley) and green beans!!! hope that helps (it’s so fun to decide these things!)

February 7, 2007

[random noter] sorry your principal is so childish. but i think the chicken in wine sauce sounds fabulous. and i hope the wedding planning keeps going fabulous. mad love

February 7, 2007

red-skinned potatoes mmmmm 🙂

February 7, 2007

Okay, I know a lot of people are saying Chicken Marsala, but I will say this: DON’T DO IT! Chicken Marsala sounds good, but it has a very distinctive taste that does not appeal to very many people. It is so strong and sweet it can be overpowering. Marsala can be a tricky dish to make, and if made incorrectly it is not tasty at all. You can check out its properties on Wikipedia. Crazy rant over :P. As for the rest of the menu, just remember to keep it wide and varied to keep as many people as possible happy. A lot of people like chicken, so chicken in wine sauce is probably a good bet, but Sole is also a really nice fish. I would go with either the red-skinned potatoes (goes nicely with the roast) or potatoes au gratin (but I really love cheesy potatoes so I’m biased), but wouldn’t necessarily pick scalloped even though I’m a HUGE fan because I don’t know how popular they are. I would also pick either the mostaccioli (not sure if it’s in a red sauce?–helps w/variety) or the rotini in white. Then I would choose the broccoli au gratin or the medley of veggies as a healthy and complimentary addition–depending on what the veggies are, though, and how they’re cooked. I wouldn

February 7, 2007

choose the pasta con broccoli either if you’re doing a straight veggie dish. THEN I would choose the ambrosia fruit salad or the seafood pasta salad. Fruit salad is a nice, light post-dinner food and also gives people an alternative to the veggies if they are picky. The seafood pasta salad is a completely different option than anything you have, and would satisfy seafood lovers. Did that help at all? lol. Also, I meant to mention that I wouldn’t serve seafood as a main dish because it is a high-allergy food, so that may be something you want to nix out altogether to be safe (and same goes for nuts, so the green bean almondine would be another dish you’d nix).

February 8, 2007

now i’m hungry . . .

February 8, 2007

LOL I love peas and onions.

February 8, 2007

ooo red skin potatoes are yummy!!! hey by the way I am going to get a invite to this wedding?? 🙂 either way i should come visit ya some time how far are you from Florida?