
Yay! I have made it to Friday, and a TWO WEEK Christmas break!!!  

How is it that my students seem so enjoyable when I know I am going to get a break from them? They really spoiled me with Christmas gifts. I got lots of great smelling candles (the kids know my obssession with them), a sweatshirt from the Gap, more candy than I should consume, a picture frame (with a hilarious hand drawn picture of Will and me) in it from my class clown Myles, Christmas plates, mugs, ornaments, etc. Lots of good stuff. It is good to be a teacher at Christmas time.

Today we are watching a Muppet Christmas Movie. I used to hate that movie when I was a kid, but now watching it as an adult I am catching all of the jokes. It’s pretty hilarious.

So we were walking to lunch today and all of the sudden I hear one of my boys talking to another boy…" Man, I walked into my parents room last night and my mom was on top of my dad and they were kissing a lot…i mean a lot! It was gross! They didn’t see me so I walked out of the room. When I asked them if they heard me come in to their room they like freaked out!" I of course put an abrupt end to the conversation and the boy was like "What?! They weren’t doing the gross stuff that teenagers do!". I have no idea what he meant by that, but his parents would be mortified to know he was talking about their sex life!!

This afternoon I am meeting my friend to go shopping at the mall. I am so not looking forward to the craziness of shopping right now. Yay for procrastination.

I had an awesome time with Will last night! We saw the movie "Pursuing Happyness" with Will Smith. He also gave me some of my Christmas presents, really cute clothes! I still have to get his…….last minute of course.

Have a great day everyone!

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December 22, 2006

have a good time on your break 🙂 you got a lot of presents, you lucky girl 🙂 and that story about the kid and him walking in on his parents is hilarious!

December 22, 2006

kissing . . . uh huh! lots of kissing. *snort* that’s just hilarious!!!

December 22, 2006

Ah kids…. They’re hilarious.

December 22, 2006

hahahaa at the little boy!! thats great.. i need that laugh!

December 22, 2006

Yes, it is good to be a teacher at Christmas, lol! I put on a movie today too, thankfully we got off early. You sound like you are doing so well with Will! I’m happy for you.

December 23, 2006

I want to see that so bad!! Yeah, I definitly got some pretty good gifts. It’s nice to teach in a school where there are quite a few rich kids, you get good gifts.

December 25, 2006

Thanks for the notes, you are a sweetheart 🙂 And that is the funniest story I have ever heard. LOL. I wonder if he will remember that 10 years from now and realize what he actually walked in on :p

December 26, 2006

Yay for Christmas Break. I know how wonderful that is. I’m glad things are going so well with Will – seems almost like a fairy tale 🙂 Enjoy your holidays!!

December 26, 2006

RYN – thanks. today was better in that it wasn’t as aggravating? but it still wasn’t *that* great. *shrug* oh well.