
Okay, I think my horrible mood has subsided. I just have to make it through today, and tomorrow will be chaotic but easy (half day and a party).

I had an awesome workout yesterday (which I needed since I have hardly worked out at all this week). After I worked out I was in the Sauna and a really nice guy started talking to me. We were talking about Christianity and faith, and he was so encouraging. I explained to him how I was struggling with my kids at school and stuff. He reminded me about the opportunity I have to make a difference in their lives, which is easy to forget when I get frustrated with them. He told me about the teachers that he remembers from growing up, and how it was just little things they did here and there that affected him so much. I don’t have to be the best teacher in the world to make a difference in their lives. All I really need to do is show them I am here for them, and care about them. That I can do. I need to stop being so hard on myself.

I am hanging out with Will tonight!! I love him times a million.

Okay, and now a TMI question which I am asking on my sisters behalf. Christy and Andrew got married a little over two weeks ago, both being virgins.  She called me yesterday and was upset because they haven’t been successful at having actual sex yet. She told me that he gets part way in and then it hurts too bad and feels like she really can’t get it in any further. I don’t have any advice to give her because I know zero about this topic. Anyone know if this is normal, or have ideas for what she could do?!?!

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December 21, 2006

tell them to buy and use lube and talk it very slowly. It’s going to hurt though. If it’s excruicating, she might want to visit her OBGYN, there’s a condition (I forget the name) where the hymen is VERY thick and in those cases needs to be cut…

December 21, 2006

Another thing they can try is fooling around before they try to just “stick it in”. If there’s no foreplay, they really won’t be successful. Lube might help. It will hurt like hell the first time anyways and after that it’ll get better. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. It’s almost Christmastime and that normally makes me feel better. Christmas break! 😀

December 21, 2006

ryn: Oh, I have ALREADY made the new syllabus, rules, and consequences for after Christmas. I’m treating it like a new school year. I won’t put up with their shit for the rest of the year. We have to start over everyon’es discipline stuff (we have to give them 3 detentions before writing them up, so those that were already to the point of being written up for everything get to start fresh…

December 21, 2006

..after Christmas and start over by getting detentions again. So the ones who dare to break a rule will get ONE warning, then get a detention, end of story, no questions asked. After they are warned once, it’s going straight to detention until they learn that they can’t break rules. I’m fed up and I just can’t deal with them acting like that for another semester.

December 21, 2006

Lots of foreplay, and not having the pressure to do it. Suggest that she & her husband stop being so deliberate and “trying”, and instead to just spend quality time together cuddling and doing other things they enjoy (incl foreplay, but no penetration) – without any expectation. She’ll get to a point where she really wants to have sex, and it’ll just happen. Otherwise, visit the ob-gyn.