
It’s official. I have become a complete girl regarding my relationship with Will. I can’t even put into words how much I am falling for the boy. It’s ridiculous, and wonderful. We had an awesome weekend together!

Friday he came to see my kids Christmas play (which turned out great!). After that we went to Applebees with my mom and dad, and then back to his place to hang out. Saturday I babysat until 10:30, and then met up with him to go to The Landing (a strip of bars in downtown St. Louis). Yesterday we went to a Christmas party that my parents were having, and then hung around talking to them until around midnight.

He is leaving to go home to Kansas City on Friday and will be gone until January 8th. I am going to go to Kansas City on the 27th to see him/go to a wedding in Michigan with his family. We will be together for New Year’s, but I am not sure what we will be doing.

I think I am getting sick. I have that nastiness where you cough and cough and it feels like you need to get stuff out of your lungs, but it won’t come out. Lovely, isn’t it?

It’s still to be determined how my kids behavior is going to be this week. So far so good. Knock on wood. Okay, so we have only been in school for a little over an hour, but I’ll take what I can get.

Four and a half days until a two week break!!!

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December 18, 2006

Yay! Now it’s only 4 days…we get out at 2 on Friday..but it really maks no difference for 6th grade teachers since we only teach through 6th period anyhow (through 1:15). Our planning periods re 1:15-3:15, so we really aren’t getting a break from the day.

December 18, 2006

you are so cute 🙂 that sucks getting sick right around the holidays..hope you feel better before xmas 🙂

December 18, 2006

RYN: Jordan is scary good with spreadsheets. He really knows how to do that sort of thing. Me, I just half-assed know how to use it. LOL I’m not organized either. I’ve lost my slippers ((black, so they don’t blend in with the carpet)) about 5 times already today.

December 18, 2006

hope you survive until the break. try not to kill any of the kids. 😉

December 19, 2006

I hope you feel better soon!

December 19, 2006

RYN: Well the teacher would leave but only for like 10 minutes or so. I was not supposed to be left in the classroom by myself for extended periods of time. If the cooperating teacher was going to be out they had to get a substitute. So this was the first time I was totally alone all day long.

December 19, 2006

Ryn: I know, I agree. I tried to play it down when the other kids found out about it, saying that she couldn’t help it, that it is like a cold and you get it from being around someone who has it. But still..this girl is always kind of gross. But I always thought that it was attracted to clean hair, and, in all honesty, her hair doesn’t look very clean. It’s blonde though and that attracts them