


Will had a phone interview with a church in St. Louis last night. The church is only ten minutes away from my parents house. I have driven by it a thousand times, never guessing that we might end up there someday. I am so confused (frustrated even) by my feelings. I have spent the past year wishing I was back in STL, but now that there is a very real possibility, I am not so sure about it. When we first got the news I was super excited, but as I’ve had time to think about it, I get a not so great feeling in my stomach.

Some of my thoughts…..

-It would make me really happy to be so near to my family, but maybe it is a good thing for Will and I to live more independently for a while longer.

-I love the idea of being a stay at home mom, but I also have a great job here. I really like my school and the people I work with. If we move I may not get a teaching job, and what if I end up not loving being a SAHM?

-I have friends in STL, but maybe staying in Cali will cause me to grow and make new friends. I already have more friends than I did last year and am realizing it takes time for friendships to grow. I cherish my STL friends so much because I don’t get to see them that often. I would love love love to live so close to my best friend Ashley.

-What if we move and Will is unhappy in St. Louis? What if he wishes we stayed in Cali, and starts to resent the fact that we moved to be closer to my family (well, not for that reason alone, but it plays a huge part).

-Life has changed SO much in the past couple of years. Things are just starting to feel normal here. Do I really want to go through another huge change(even if it would take me back to a place that I know so well)?

– If we don’t take this chance, what if we never get another chance to live so close to my family?

My thoughts are just really jumbled right now. If we get this call, we will probably be moving as soon as January. It’s sad to think I might not finish the school year with my first graders.

Please pray for us as we make this decision! 🙂

In Jacob news, he’s wonderful!! He had a check up at the dr. last week and everything looks good. He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight and 75% for his head. Hehe…I love my big headed little guy! So cute! He smiles, babbles, and laughs constantly now. When I talk to him he babbles right after I speak, so it sounds like we are having a conversation. I love this 3 month old stage. He is still small and cuddly, but he’s so much more fun and alert than when he was a newborn.

Somebody’s fussy……. gotta’ go! 🙂

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October 17, 2008

I’m having the very same thoughts over where I want to live after I graduate. Jeff wants to move out to Colorado (I’m from NJ, he is from DE and we go to school in PA). While I LOVE CO, I’m so afraid that it is too far away from my parents, friends, etc. But at the same time, it would be neat to try living in a new place! My thoughts are so jumbled, too. I know the feeling : /

October 17, 2008

But you also need to think of the fact that with Jacob, living closer to your family, you have a baby sitter for a little while. You have a larger support system. Good luck hun! *hugs*

October 17, 2008

I hope you guys can make a good decision for your family. You have pointed out some very good pros and cons and it sounds like a hard decision. Can we see some new pics of Jacob!? lol He’s so cute!

October 17, 2008

I freakin’ love kids with big heads. That are so much cuter to me lol No idea why. Just pray about it. God will lead you in the right direction.

October 17, 2008

…and remember that Steven and I just went through that with moving to Meridian. Granted it wasn’t as far of a distance, it was a huge life change for us and we struggled with some of the same things you are struggling with…leaving my job, moving closer to home but losing our independence from family watching over us, etc. In the end, being near family has really been important, esp. after…

October 17, 2008

..my dad being diagnosed w/ cancer this summer. I don’t know what I would have done if I still lived in Hattiesburg and couldn’t be here to take care of him and help them out.

October 17, 2008

I’d be confused to. Wow, lots to consider. So is Will doing this primarily for you? (The move)

October 17, 2008

Hi! Haven’t heard from you in 3 months (understandably)! Glad to hear that you had the baby and he is doing well. That’s great!!

October 17, 2008

RE: In the last 3 months? Nah, nothing major really. Same old same old with me. 😛

October 20, 2008

ryn: Haha when I watched the video, speed 6 started torqing the thing back and forth. I was like “mmmnothanks” hahah. I though about going in w/ my SIL to get one since its like $180, but they kind of don’t take care of stuff well and let it get dirty, plus HER scent would be on it, instead of mine

November 15, 2008
March 15, 2009

Just dropping by to see how the family is doing. I hope all is well.

March 27, 2009

it’s not letting me read your favorites only entries anymore and says the last thing you wrote was october 08. problems?