
Happy Thursday! We have no school tomorrow (teacher meetings, but no students)–it’s gonna be a good day. Since there is no school tomorrow we are having a school family fun night at a rollerskating rink near school.  That means no Grey’s Anatomy for me.

Will and I had a really good conversation last night. I stopped seeing my counselor a few weeks before I met him, but I am going to start up with her again. Not because of my insecurities with the relationship, but because of my many insecurities involving life in general. I spend so much time worrying about people and how they are perceiving me that it leaves little time to enjoy life. I am constantly worrying that I will upset someone, or offend someone. I anaylze every word that comes out of my mouth. It’s ridiculous. Few people in life know that I am so consumed with worry because I do a decent job of masking it (at least I think so), but it is a huge struggle for me. Will was telling me that he had a girlfriend in the past who was extremely insecure (even way more than me), and that he feels like his relationship with her was preparing him for his relationship with me. He is more sensitive to stuff like that now. We talked on the phone for almost two hours last night (not about this stuff, but just random fun conversation). I love that we live close enough that we could easily hang out whenever we wanted, but we still talk on the phone as if we live far away from eachother. We have decided that we are going to add Sunday’s to our hanging out. We are going to cook dinner together, and then he is going to work on school stuff while I grade papers and write lesson plans. I am excited about it!  So, long story short-I am feeling better about things today than I was yesterday.

I am throwing my sister her bachelorette/bridal shower on Saturday night. I am not hugely excited because I really don’t know any of her friends, but hopefully it will be a success.

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October 12, 2006

It’s great that you are able to talk about so much for so long even while you get together. I think cooking dinner and doing work together sounds so domestic–I love it! (I love all domestic things, though, when you do them with your partner!) Anyway, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully talking with your counsellor will give you a more objective viewpoint :o). Have a good day! Oh, and recordor download Grey’s! They’re bringing back McSteamy!

October 12, 2006

I’m glad you talked about it with him. He seems like a better person now. ((STILL waiting on the edge of my seat for pictures!))

October 12, 2006

I sound like I’m reading my own head… I struggle with the same type of insecurities a lot. I’ve considered a counselor, but right now I can’t afford it, and it’s rather intimidating. But it might be necessary at some point. I like the dinner idea – I loved doing that with my ex-girlfriend in college – lots of fun, and actually quite intimate, too.

October 12, 2006

i’m glad you’re feeling better about things. have fun on saturday. take lots of pictures! you know, for future blackmail … i mean, persuasive uses. 🙂

October 17, 2006

Where’ve you been? How’s life?