
Will has had three interviews for church placements for next year. He is not interested in the chuch in Katy, Texas. He’s slightly interested in the church in Kansas City (which is the one that up until a month ago we were hoping for), and is absolutely in love with the church in Orange County, California. Yep. California.  Wow. That is just so far away, and I have never envisioned myself living out there. I am such a midwestern girl. I don’t think I would fit in very well with the California culture. I am already stressing on how I might deal with the important emphasis that is place on looks and body image out there.

The church is HUGE, and is tied together with the 3rd largest Lutheran school in the United States. It good be a good opportunity, but still…….I am not nearly as excited as Will is about this. I would miss my family so much.

We don’t have too much of a say in where we go. He had the interviews, and now it’s really up to the churches and his placement director at school. April 18th is "call day". That’s where all the graduates go to a church service and they announce where everyone is going. It’s for the most part a surprise until that day. Have I mentioned before that I don’t love surprises? Oh well. So I am getting married, moving, and trying to find a new job in the next seven months. Might as well do everything stressful at once.

My kids are ridiculously well behaved this week! I am trying yet another gimmick to get them to behave. I have these things called "Truesy Trade Dollars" which they can earn for good behavior, participation, etc. Every Friday we will have a fourth grade store where they can use their dollars to buy stuff. They came up with the items–50 bucks to be teacher for an hour, 30 bucks for a no homework pass, 125 bucks for pajama day/movie party, 10 bucks for a candy bar……there a few other things on the list too. They seem to love it so far, so yay for that. I hope they don’t get bored with it!

Alright…my prep is almost over. Have a great day guys!

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January 31, 2007

I loved visiting California. Just don’t worry too much about how you’ll deal because it’s not for certain you’ll be there yet!

January 31, 2007

That’s such a good idea for keeping your kids in line! It’s interactive, so it’s likely to help. I’m going to tell my education friends about that one! (I will make sure you’re cited to get credit for it, haha).

If you really don’t want to go to Cali, I hope you and Will could work something out. You shouldn’t have to give up such a huge part of your life to do something you totally don’t want to do.

January 31, 2007

Hehe, my fourth grade teacher used to have a store!! It was so awesome!! We also earned money for good behavior. We even had a post office, and that was the only way we were allowed to pass notes because each of us had a mailbox! hehe

January 31, 2007

wow.. i cant figure how you are going to do all of that at once.. good luck!

January 31, 2007

I remember my teacher doing something like that, I absolutely loved it. I think it’s a great idea! As for the stress, I think that you’ll be happy to get it over with in one shot–that way you’re not constantly adjusting to a new change in your life. It will be stressful, but I’m sure you’ll do great. Also, just remember that Cali is a state like everyone else, and the only reason people get hyped

January 31, 2007

about looks is because of Hollywood–and then 90% of those people and the stars are practically made out of plastic, collagen, botox, silicon, and who knows what else. Will loves you the way you are and thinks you’re beautiful without all that junk. How many people in California can say that?

February 1, 2007

RYN: I have no idea if he’ll even get me anything.

February 1, 2007

California would be such a huge change… but just think, you’ll literally be starting a new chapter in your life. Newly married and living in a totally new place… look at it as an exciting challenge!

February 1, 2007

RYN: Thanks! I didn’t think I was actually “overweight” until that % body fat test. I def. suggest WW to anyone! It’s so easy and you can eat anything. There ice cream bars for 2 points are to die for. Good luck planning the wedding!

February 3, 2007

California..i dunno how i’d deal with living there, especially in Orange County. i don’t think i’d fit in very well with rich California people, i’m a midwestern girl all the way, too 🙂 good luck to Will with his interviews though..can’t wait to find out where you guys will be living!