
 I am SO over this job market. I never imagined it would be so difficult to find another teaching job. It makes me sad because I know of several teachers who hate their jobs or are just biding their time until retirement, while I desperately want to teach because I love it so much.

In all reality I haven’t had that many interviews/rejections, but the amount of time and energy I put into each interview makes each rejection feel like a huge blow. The count (so far) is at four, if I’m only counting actual interviews. I have sent out SO many applications. I actually thought I had nailed two of the interviews, so I’m not even really sure what I should be changing to up my chances of getting a job. Ugh. It’s pretty much consuming the majority of my thoughts these days.

Family life is going well. We are enjoying summer break and spending lots of time together. We went to visit Will’s family in Kansas City last week, and had Vacation Bible School this week. I get into a funk if we don’t stay busy with things to do. I’m hoping to volunteer at a couple other Vacation Bible School’s so that the kids can go to those. I also want to be purposeful in planning play dates with other moms/kids. After three kids I feel like I am finally figuring out how to be present and in the moment with my kids. Admittedly, work has always been a huge distraction. As much as I feel out of my comfort zone by not working, I can see how God is using this to shape me as a mom/person.

I am really enjoying the difference in my kids’ personalities. Jacob is at a stage where he wants to be with and do everything that Will does. He is ALL boy and I notice that interacting with him doesn’t come as naturally for me as my interactions with Gavin and Abby. I hate that. I have to be very intentional about making sure I spend enough quality time with Jacob. He is pretty self-sufficient compared to the other two and will entertain himself for hours on end.

Gavin is my sensitive boy. He is going through a phase (I hope it’s just a phase!) where he is terrified of being separated from me or Will. He is glued to one of our sides wherever we go. I wish I knew the cause of his anxiety so that I could help him work through it. It can be frustrating because there are times when he needs to be with kids his age and he just refuses to go. He plays well with Jacob and Abby at home, but even having them with him at social events doesn’t soothe him. He is seriously hilarious. I wish other people got to see the Gavin we see at home.

Abby is fifteen months of pure cuteness (and attitude!!). She is just coming into her own as far as wanting a little bit of independence and gets so angry when she doesn’t get what she wants. She isn’t walking independently yet but does a great job of getting around by cruising around the furniture. Gavin was a late walker too, so I’m not worried yet. She is a little peanut-only 19 pounds. I am so thankful God gave me a girl. I just love dressing her up in cute and girly clothes.  She has Will wrapped around her finger.

Not too much else to report. Time to get started on dinner!


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June 7, 2013

So glad to hear from you! Glad to hear that kids are doing well. Hang in there with the interviews… the perfect job will come your way – just you wait!! You’re a fabulous teacher and anyone would be lucky to have you!

June 7, 2013

my fiance’ is going through similar difficulty with teaching. He does college level, but competition is so stiff cuz of a market flooded, and what you do get is only parttime low pay. He loves teaching too and was going to teach at high school, to make kids enthusiastic about science, but since he doesn’t have EDU degree the state won’t let him, even tho he’s PhD. Yet the farts hang in there.

June 8, 2013

I’m in the same boat with the job market. There are tons of preschool jobs that I’d love love love to have, but people that are miserable, terrible, etc – are holding onto them for a variety of reasons. Sigh.

June 12, 2013

Been missing you on here. Congrats on the job!!!!!!