
I am officially a teacher again. I handed in my acceptance letter for the fourth grade position today. There was so much hesitancy in handing it in. It was odd. I expected to be really excited, but I have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hope I am making the right decision about going back, and where I am working. I am going to observe the current fourth grade teacher on Monday. I think she thought it was strange that I wanted to, but I want to get a feel for the school atmosphere and all that good stuff. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve taught fourth grade, so I want to see a class in action.

Will and I celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday. He took me on a walk in the cute little town where we had the rehearsal dinner for our wedding. We ate dinner at the restaurant where we had our first date, and we stayed at the hotel where all of our wedding guests stayed when they came for our wedding. It wasn’t a typical Mother’s Day gift, but after my being gone, we needed to re-connect. It was so great. 

My parents watched Jacob. I am thankful that they watch him, but they never follow a schedule even remotely close to his and then get upset when he isn’t cooperating. He normally goes to bed at 8:00. Last night they kept him up until 11:00 and then were frustrated when he wouldn’t go to sleep when they tried to put him down. Also, we let him have a bottle when he goes to sleep. They refuse to give him one to have in the crib (they think it’s better to bond by holding him while giving him his bottle and fear he might choke). He has gotten so used to his bottle that he won’t sleep without it. They won’t give him the bottle and then get upset that he is crying. The poor guy just wants his bottle. We got home this morning at 8:00. My mom left for work at 7:30 and left my sister in charge of J. My sister and J were both still sleeping. When I went to check on Jacob he was laying on his stomach with poop smeared up his back and coming out of his diaper. At first I thought he must have just had a major blowout, but when I went to change him I noticed that it was dried to his bottom on the inside. There is no way my mom didn’t see it before she left for work. I was so upset she didn’t change him. I  mean, seriously?!? I know she was in a hurry for work, but that is crazy. Okay, I should stop complaining and try to be more thankful.

I think we have found the house we want to buy! The real estate agent that took us out was entertaining to say the least. In the two hours we were with her she got lost(She realized she didn’t know where the housed she was taking us to were located at, so we all ended up using out GPS), locked herself out of her car( and lied to AAA telling them that she had a baby in her car for quicker service-they were not happy), and stopped to help a "stray" puppy. The puppy ended up belonging to someone, which wasn’t surprising because we were in a neighborhood. I was shocked when she told us she hasn’t sold a house yet.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of my mommy faves!


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May 12, 2009

Your real estate agent sounds like one I used while trying to find an apartment. I found her on CL and she was a little sketchy! Congrats on the teaching position. I teach 7th grade, so when I saw you on the front page, I figured I’d read.

May 12, 2009

i teach 4th grade and i LOVE it – well, until this time of year. they are becoming 5th graders and the catty-ness and boy/girlfriends are starting, so it isn’t so fun. but in general i LOVE 4th! they are still excited but are much more independent which is really nice. now we can talk work and share lesson ideas :D.

May 12, 2009

ps. i observed the former teacher before i took my job. i also met with my parter as well.

May 12, 2009

Happy Mom’s Day! And good luck with the teaching.

May 12, 2009

That sounds like one crazy-ass realtor lol. Ok, you have EVERY right to be angry with your mom. That’s just all I have to say about that. I would be furious with mine. I hope 4th grade works out well for you. I know you’re scared, but, remember, if it sucks, you only have to do it one year and you can look for something else!

May 12, 2009

haha, your REA sounds quite amusing. I’m glad you got to reconnect with Will for MD! You needed a treat after so much hard work. P.S. I am SO glad you’re updating regularly again! I missed you!

May 13, 2009

I’m glad you and Will were able to get away and reconnect 🙂 RYN: thanks for the workout video suggestion. I’ll have to see if I can find it online. I have so many workout videos but that’s a good thing because I have a nice variety to pick from depending on what I feel like doing lol

May 15, 2009

That sounds like an awesome Mother’s Day 🙂

May 22, 2009

LOL at the real estate agent! That’s a shame that your parents won’t keep Jacob’s schedule the same. :