
  How can Abby be a *month* old tomorrow?! Time is flying by much too quickly with her! I have been very intentional with cherishing each moment with her. It’s so easy to get distracted with the busy-ness of life, but I take her EVERYwhere with me. When I am not holding or wearing Abby, I feel like I am missing an appendage. J and Gav have really taken to having a little sister. They both think she needs her paci at all times, and are constantly shoving it in her mouth. The other day I noticed J was sticking his fingers in Abby’s mouth for her to suck on. I immediately asked him if he had washed his hands ans he responded with " It’s okay if she gets my hands dirty…I don’t mind if she sucks on them". Haha…not quite what I was concerned about. If Abs is crying (screaming really), and Gav can’t find her pacifier, he runs around screaming "fire! fire!" because that’s what he calls the paci. Too cute, and so funny. I love my kids!

 Still waiting on the job front. There are two churches here in St. Louis that have asked Will to come for second interviews. The first were over the phone, but these are in person, AND they want me to come along. We would be happy at either church, so we are hoping this is it.

I’m on maternity leave for the next two and a half weeks still. I am trying not to worry or obsess about what is going on in my classroom, but the reports I’m getting from my teaching aids and coworkers are making me uneasy. Apparently the sub who has taken over for me has completely rearranged my classroom, and is not following any of my routines or plans. Teachers–what are your thoughts on this? I’ve always thought the job of a sub was to keep things as consistent with the classroom teacher as possible. Maybe I’m wrong? I’m just worried that I am going to spend the last six weeks of the year reteaching routines and rules that I worked so hard to instill during the first part of the year when there are so many things I want to be teaching my kiddos.

I’m still wondering if I will be offered a job for next year. I’m crossing my fingers that I am.

Time to feed my favorite little girl! 🙂


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March 28, 2012

I do think most subs would try to do things by The Teacher. However, maybe she’s not able to work with your routines. I wouldn’t worry for a couple reasons. 1) It’s near the end of the school year, right? 2) The students will completely remember how YOU are and will get right back into your routines. Enjoy your time home and don’t fret about what’s going on at work!

March 28, 2012

so GOOD to hear from you!! I was just gonna ask how things were going with you! Are you nursing her? How is that going? How is she sleeping? I am sad you only have 6 weeks off! And there are only 6 weeks in the school year left when you get back? its too bad you can’t just finish the year at home with your kiddo! What do you usually do with the kids while you work?

March 28, 2012

I’m a sub at my son’s preschool, and I would absolutely stick to the guidelines set forth by the teacher. I can’t believe it’s been a month since you’ve had her, wow! We’re headed to St Louis on Friday; I’m so excited!

March 28, 2012

That IS the job of the sub – to keep the classroom steady and consistent just as if you were there, because that’s what is best for the kiddos. But, I do agree with your first noter – don’t let it stress you out. You are at the end of the year, and you have a new baby. If you have to come back and rearrange stuff, it’s not the end of the world. (But that would totally tick me off. ;P )

March 28, 2012

I am a substitute teacher and I always follow the routines and plans. Kids need consistency and structure. Try not to stress out about it too much. They’ll be okay:)

March 28, 2012

Ugh, I’m sorry that the sub isn’t following your plans… she should be!!! YOU are the full-time teacher and she is just filling in for you. However, maybe she does things a way that work for her and hopefully that is ok. The end of the school year is near!! Glad you are enjoying life so much with three little ones – life must be busy but great!! Still keeping you guys in my prayers.

March 28, 2012

Long Term teachers (like for maternity leave) tend to change things to fit their teaching style. But it shouldn’t be too much different for the kids sake. I’m not a sub; or a teacher. I’m glad things are going well! Good luck at the 2 churches!

March 28, 2012

I’m glad things are going well with the kids! Crossing my fingers for you that you guys get into one of those churches!!

April 2, 2012

I am so glad that you are enjoying your kids. This entry almost made me wish I had kids.