

The insensitivity of some people floors me. Two weeks ago my students and I made a door sized banner to hang for Spirit Week. It took us about 3 hours to make and cost me $10 in supplies. Noone ever told me we had to leave the rectangular window on our doors uncoverd at all times. During the week that my banner was up NOONE said anything to me regarding the restriction. Maybe I should have "just known", but to be honest I didn’t think about it. Two other teachers had their doors completely covered also. Over the weekend our complete dickhead of a property manager took an exacto knife and cut out the rectangular shape in my banner. He cut off half of the words, ruining our slogan "We’ve got Spirit….The Holy Spirit". Instead of asking me to take it down, or simply untaping the banner himself (it took me 5 seconds to take it down this morning), he destroyed it. When the principal asked him about it he said that he would not back down, and was in the right in what he did. How is it ever okay to destroy another person’s property?? Nice loving Christian school I work at. I am done with this place. Three and a half more months and I am out.

Other than that school has been great today. As of Saturday I have felt a huge increase in energy, the benefit of making it through the first trimester. I even worked out yesterday. SOO happy about that! I woke up today with a much more noticable baby bump than when I went to bed last night. I am weighing in at 121, so I’ve gained about 3-4 pounds so far. My weight gain has been much more managable so far with this pregnancy. I gained 20 pounds in the first 20 weeks with Jacob!! I got my baby beat heart rate monitor in the mail today. I tested it out while the kiddos were at recess. It took me forever to find that tiny heartbeat.There is no sound as reassuring as that.

Will got back from his ski trip around 10:00 last night, and informed me that he has an out of town staff retreat this Sunday-Tuesday. Not thrilled about that. I have enormous respect for single parents.

Has anyone ever tried Jack in the Box salads?? A-mazing. I saw one of their trucks with a ginormous picture of a salad on it yesterday and had to have one. My new favorite food.


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February 16, 2010

haha, I love McDonald’s salads. They’re so tasty! I don’t know if we have JITB up here. I am appalled your property manager destroyed your banner. To be a dick like that to an adult is bad enough, but to do it to kids, too?! Wtf?? ARGH that makes me mad! (I love your slogan, though! It’s cute.)

February 16, 2010

Will sure does have a lot of retreats! I’m sure it makes you appreciate your time together even more. …that is SO RUDE what the building service person did to your door! I’d be upset about that too 🙁 I bet the kids weren’t too happy either (if they saw it!)

February 16, 2010

That’s effing terrible. you could have put the banner elsewhere, on the wall or something. And saved it. That makes me so angry. He should have to give you $10 for the supplies. and How many weeks are you now? I feel like I need to get over the first trimester right about now…haha but I’m not even pregnant! The past month is eating up all my energy. But I’m going to be smart and put the renovations to a rest for the time being, and sleep when I feel tired. Keep writing, i want to hear lots about this pregnancy!

February 17, 2010

That was very rude of that guy to cut up your banner like that. Sheesh.

February 18, 2010

I’m assuming you went to the principal about the cutting incident. Good! I would have been ripping mad and/or given up and cried. Yea, HOW is he not fired or formally disciplined? Out of respect for his teachers, the principal (or whoever this a-holes boss is) should write him up!