I sure do wish it would stop going back & forth. We were lucky enough to have 2 beautiful sunny warm days & 

gosh did we take advantage of it. But now ITS BACK… O’l man Winter… They are even predicting snow here in Texas. Can you believe that? lol We are not use to that. 

I wish I could learn to say NO when I really don’t want to do something, but never have been able to. That doesn’t sound very nice does it lol  I do mean within reason!!  A friend of mine’s daughter (age 20) decided she didn’t want to spend the night at her friends house so called her Mom to come pick her up, knowing that her Mom can’t drive very well at night. So who do they call … ME! Usually I wouldn’t of minded but it was already 10:30 pm & I had a headache due to this sinus stuff. She was at a friends house in the next town which was about a 30 min drive, so see that’s why I get on the computer so darn late lol Always doing something else. Anyways.. she gave me 20.00 for doing this so its all good. However I didn’t like the comment between Mother & daughter in the car…. I didn’t think you would come get me when I called Mom, but we know we can always depend on Turtle to be around right? Some day I’m gonna surprise the heck out of them!

I have a sinus infection so I’m keeping the kleenex company in business again. Sneeze, blow, cough, sneeze.. repeat a thousand times & you understand. 

Well its 2 a.m. now so guess I better go to bed. Sweet dreams little diary.

Good nite Moon ~

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