Truth about this world, spiritual and health issues.

First of all the Jesus you have been presented by the churches is fake. The real One is found in the 4 gospels and His teachings are life changing, and are the duty to do of each real believer. Matthew 7

Jesus taught “Whosoever works for God instead of money will be provided for by God instead of the system.” Matthew 6
“Whosoever does not forsake all, everyone and their lives for me, cannot become Christians.” Luke 14
“Go into all the world and preach and teach the gospel to all people” Mark 16

The world has you by the balls if you believe that you cannot live without money. This is the greatest lie of all time, and is easily refuted with common sense. Babylon invented money some 3000 years ago, before that nobody even knew what that crap was in reality!

The truth about health is that all you need to do is eat a plant based, wholefoods based diet without sugar and salt to stay healthy. Ask Harvard health and Pubmed, they will verify this for you.

Another thing is that the USA may be the Babylon of Revelation, and be destroyed in one hour. This suggests a thermo nuclear attack in my opinion. Revelation 17 and 18.

Finally, there’s a change in the world coming soon, a mark to the right hand or forehead that will be the only way to buy or sell, this is the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13. Do not take this mark or you will go to hell without hope.

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December 19, 2020

Oh wow

December 19, 2020


December 19, 2020


December 25, 2020

I see you read your Bible! I read mine too. Its crazy how we all can read the same thing and interpret it in our own little ways.

I understood and know what you’re saying here. I know exactly where you got it from. Except the healthy part…

Where’s the Meat?!! Or at least fish? Even Jesus fished for fish! 🙂

December 27, 2020

“Whosoever works for God instead of money will be provided for by God instead of the system.”

it’s people with these kinds of crazy delusions that make the world the scary place that it is. Yeah, f*** working for money. Let’s all starve in the streets instead, right? Then God can magically rain down food, medicine, and whatever else we may need on us. It will all just magically appear out of thin air.

December 28, 2020

Youre right about the money part. Many people live fufilling lives without money. Not really in the USA though. Money can be replaced by community but how many rhealthy communities are left?


The sugar part is real. I love meat tho ill ignore that.

Welcome to OD

January 2, 2021
