Only 1 week till school

Today, I woke up, washed up, ate breakfast, and cleaned up a little. Then, my friend Darius called me. We talked for a while, and I took a nap after I got off the phone with him. I then woke up from my nap and ate dinner with my family. then, I took the garbage out and came back here to be on the internet. Well, that’s about it. Tomorrow, all the seniors have to go to pick up schedules at school. This is a new way to do stuff. The seniors go tomorrow, so That means I go tomorrow, the Juniors go Tuesday, the Sophomores go Wednesday, and the Freshmen go Thursday. I can’t wait to see my friends again. I guess that this is a way to get everyone’s schedule out before the first day of school. The first day is August 27th. I don’t know why they changed the way we get our schedule. I seriously don’t know. Well, more tomorrow.

Girl Power!


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Are you excited about going bakc. I used to be so excited by the end of the summer but after the first day that excitment fades REAL quick