Serbian 4 Dummies


initially when we first started dating i didnt even know a country named Serbia existed, let alone their culture etc

he kindof clued me in along the way, some of it i was intrigued by.. then there was somethings i wasnt too keen on, as far as the relative status of men and women are concerned, seems kindof like a male-dominated culture just from what ive read, observed from his family and heard from him.

his mother takes care of everything, she works and is expected to cook clean take care of the family. thats basically her role, to be the homemaker.

now that im learning more and more about his background im starting to wonder how do i fit into all of this, i feel like an outsider when im around his family and their speaking serbian, and i have no idea what theyre saying..

they could be talking about me for all i know lol, when his grandmother was sick not too long ago(she doesnt speak english) but she was saying something to me and drago kindof stepped in to be translator and it kindof made things akward, now he wants me to learn some of the basics of the language, but its not really keeping my interest.

i could see if we were heading for marriage then yeah it would be a necessity to learn, since alot of his family doesnt speak english and he wants me to come along and visit next year for a month. but im not exactly jumping at the chance to learn it.

i want to learn french, more italian, serbian wasnt exactly on my to-do list. i just feel overwhelmed with it, it seems kindof hard… and i thought german was tough.

when he came to get me the other day he had this big ass serbian crest sticker on the back of his car.. his windows are limo tinted so you can barely see anything to begin with, especially with the sticker.. but whatever.

he took me to a little serbian restaurant when we first started dating, im pretty much willing to try anything, the cuisine was a bit different from what im used to, but it wasnt bad..

i dont know i guess its something im still trying to figure out, even a year later.



he called me earlier to tell me he’s doing a ride-a-long with a cop today, he finally applied with the police department, not exactly thrilled with his career choice but if it makes him happy so be it, has to be better than what hes doing now, definitely would pay more (he’s a welder)



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November 7, 2008

That would be some getting use to but I think it wont be a big issue if you both are understanding in the learning process. Goodluck to him! Dan wanted to be a police officer too. I think a travel agent would be a great job for you.

November 8, 2008

Learning any new language is difficult, but coupled with the lack of desire to do so, well…that just makes it impossible. But, on the upside, if you did learn the basics, you would know if the family was talking about you, and just think what an accomplishment it would be, How many chicks do you know that can speak Serbian??

November 8, 2008

aww you’re tryna learn serbian,lol.i see why you’d feel awkward around his family,but he should step up and tell you whats going on,translate,etc.thats what i do when tim’s around. it is alot more male-dominated over there,but not all families are.mines isnt,my dad cooks and cleans and takes care of the house as much as my mom does. <3

November 8, 2008
November 8, 2008

English is the hardest laungage to learn. Almost every other langugae is based on romance language or something else. I learned some romainan pretty quick. Serbian would be neat. Does he have any brothers or cousins who like the chocolate? Hahahaha.

November 8, 2008

Ryn: it was sad at the end. I was like wtf! Why did he do that! Eff that bitch! She could have made it!