my son is an a$$hole

I know that isnt a pc thing to say as a mom whose suppose to dote on their child and talk about how perfect they are, but there are times where i wish i could go back to being child-free again.

his recent behavior is a bit troubling, maybe its just that age where anything goes in their mind, no matter how disrespectful it might come off.
but lately he likes to mimic people, mainly with speech and i am his main target, aside from that he talks back, hits, kicks. disobeys what i tell him to do, gives me the ‘i hate you mama’ bit.

most of this i used to attribute to his autism but im starting to realize now that it goes beyond that.

i’ve tried taking away priviledges- he’ll pretty much have a fit when i take away his video games away and immediately responds with a fake apology in order to get them back from me.

he has also entered into risky behavior, groping women? im not entirely sure where he picked this up from, the other night he pushed me and groped my chest. i’ve been looking into a child psych, but in the meanwhile i deal with an unruly child-
im not really pro-spanking, rarely do i ever go that route(it didnt do much for me as a kid-hence me being a knocked up juvenile at 16)but just recently he pushed me over the edge, i later felt guilty about it.
The thought of me having to fork out money so he can have christmas this year irks me at this point, he really doesnt deserve it, more toys to add to the ones he doesnt play with in storage, great.

the only person he really listens to is my dad, he hates to be out of dads good favor, it pretty much kills him. but with me he could care less, lately i just ignore him, i notice when i do that he wants my attention more than usual.
hes 7 and for the most part independent so i dont crowd him like i used to when he was younger, he doesnt want my attention much unless he’s hungry or theres something wrong with his video games lately.
i just dont dont want to deal with him most of the time, ill always love him, but i dont necessarily like him much.
his bio father is pretty much an inactive part of his life, so i cant run and call him to be "dad" because ive never been able to count on him before, not something you can force..
 i would just love a vacation right now…a long one…




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November 9, 2008

Wow…he’s started groping? Could just be curiosity to see how you will react. You should talk to his teacher and see if he does it at school (if he does, you could have an even bigger problem). Patience girl, remember, he is 7 and is learning what he can and can’t get away with. Consult with your family and set some limits that you all can follow when he acts out!!

November 9, 2008

the groping part is kinda odd. my girls get to me sometimes too and then sometimes when they are gone i miss them like crazy. it is tough having kids. (((HUGS)))

November 9, 2008

Aww…sorry about the troubles. I remember when I was younger and in summer camp, I remember some of the boys getting in trouble for groping one of the counselors…as another noter said, he could be curious about your reaction? Or just be a curious kid…

November 9, 2008

Kids…they have their phases. Hugs.

November 9, 2008

I know how you feel. I sometimes wish I could be childless for a month. I think he’s just curious. Every child at the age is. Hell, I started my period when I was 8 and was in a B cup by 11.

November 10, 2008

I know it’s hard. I had some issues w/L a while back. Not w/groping or anything just talking back and not wanting to listen to authority. Counseling helped us and now we’re good. She still has her moments but that’s just to be expected.

November 10, 2008

I agree with sweetcakes, hopefully it’s just a phase.

November 10, 2008

i hope he gets over this phase soon*HUGS*

November 13, 2008

wow….I hope his behavior changes.