longtime no see

I haven’t written here since july, quite sometime. Lot of craziness, been keeping busy with work. Plus I’ve become seriously addicted to twitter that I’ve neglected a lot of the sites I’m on lol. I have some of you guys on myspace so I check out your updates every now and then. I hope everyone is well, will catch up on some of your entries later, I myself have been ok. Elijah is good, in the middle of starting a possible modeling career : ) we’ll see where that leads. Aside from that I’m still single, went on a few dates here and there, nothing serious. I’ve had a few calls from Drago saying he got arrested from making a terrorite threat and attempted Burglary? I always knew he was crazy. Didn’t think hed go that far though, he claims someone stole something from him, so he broke into their house to get it back. WhateveR. So he’s been calling lately trying to get back together. Not interested though, didn’t work the first 10 times, wouldn’t work now! Ill be back a little more often to update you guys. Peace

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October 5, 2009

Glad to see you’re writing again 🙂 Hope things are well!

October 5, 2009

i hope you come back, i seriously miss ya!

October 6, 2009

We missed you! Glad you stopped in 🙂

October 6, 2009

Wow! And Drago was trying to be a cop?!

October 6, 2009

I was wondering if you’d ever write again. Glad you’re back though!

October 8, 2009

Welcome back girl! Glad to see that you’re alive and well 🙂