January Bride..

its been a minute since i updated. things have been crazy busy lately.

im sure youre curious about the title.. welp, 2.5yrs of one hell of a roller coaster relationship, with a hefty couples counseling bill to match he asks me to marry him in a not so traditional way at my sisters ‘movie margarita night’ ha!

he wore a tshirt with the prosposal question on it that he had worn under a sweater he took off later into the night. everyone knew about it except little ole me of course, and the ring is absolutely fab. princess cut, white gold, diamonds around the band. of course my response was hell yes. the shirt was cheesy lol but  a cute way to ask, but thats totally his character.

everythings been good between us since my last update that it just felt right, and im happier than ever. i really wasnt expecting a proposal until next yr so this was out of left field to me but im not complainin 🙂

january 18th our original anniv date is when we planned to wed, but thats somethin i might change. i really want a small outdoor destination wedding somewhere tropical but we definitely have to save up big time for that. i want to be able to pay for everyones airfare/hotel. just gonna be a few friends of ours and a cpl of family members. want to keep it small.

i already know what style of dress i want but i havent had any luck finding it. ever since i seen that finale of ‘the game’ where girl melanie wore this dress. i just have to have it. i want something non-traditional and this totally fits me. my next step is to find a seamstress who can recreate it for me!

aside from that everythings been great! drago, elijah and i are moving into a townhouse in june. which i cant wait for! everyones doing well. im blessed for a change 🙂 hope everyone is well. will catch up on some of your entries later.

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April 9, 2010

CONGRATS to you Mrs-to-be!! And thanks, yep we’re due in October :):)

April 9, 2010

CONGRATS!!!!!!! Yayyy so excited for you!! 🙂

April 9, 2010

so happy that things worked out 🙂 you and I both said we’d never look back and turns out our situations just needed more work. Congrats! That dress is hot! I like the idea of a destination wedding too…or hell, even Vegas. I’d definitely want to foot expenses for my guests though. Small seems so much more personal.

April 10, 2010

YAY Congrats~! Is he still going to join the air force?

April 10, 2010

Congrats!! ryn-Yup…I’m preggo :D. We’re soo excited but this year is going to be hella busy. Our wedding is still set for September and the baby is due in November lol.

April 11, 2010

congratulations!!! i’m glad your happy!!! that dress is amazing!! 🙂

April 11, 2010

congratulations i hope things stay this amazing for you..I will say this..im so jealous!

April 11, 2010

congrats! Visit offbeatbride.com You will find that dress there.

April 11, 2010

ryn-Tell me about it! Maternity dresses are sooo expensive and Davids Bridal doesn’t carry any so I found a really nice empire waist style dress for less than $200.

April 11, 2010

Air force deployments would be a breeze though. The longest they are gone is 4-6 months. I would take that any day over a year.

April 13, 2010

I am sooo freaking happy for you!!!! Yay!!!

June 25, 2013
