homemade p0rn vids.

we were deep in discussion today and i was asking him if hes been open with me about everything, if there was anything i didnt know.. and this foo’ took it upon himsself to tell me that he still has homemade porn vids of him and his ex gf together.
um why the hell would i need to know that?thats not exactly what i was asking for when i said i wanted him to be open with me. he claims he doesnt watch them, he just keep them as if their some kindof ‘souvenir’
some of yall know i am no prude by any means, been there done that can write the book on it, but i dont think one should keep ‘nostalgia porn, pics’ from the past when you are in relationship with someone in the present.
I told him i didnt like that he has them, but he made me out to be the crazy person whose overreacting, he doesnt think its a big deal that he keeps them.
he claims he wouldnt care if i had something like that, but i know for a fact if i whipped out nude pics/vids of me with some guy it would be a different story.
what an ass.
I’ve been watching alot of MTv lately, i finally caught the latest MTB4 epi and just as i predicted the drama in the previews had to do with Aubrey, that has to suck to be kicked out of Danity Kane on national Tv.
cant say that im suprised though with the drama between her and diddy in the past episodes.
after that epi was another epi of True Life – i’m a single parent, that was kinda good, alot of it i could relate to for sure. i’ve been so used to being a single mom for 7 years now, i dont think i would know how to act once i do get married and settle down.
im so used to being in control and dealing with things on my own regarding my son, so that would definitely be a different experience, if it ever happens.
after that i watched Sex.. with mom and dad, i noticed it was based here in dallas, that was cool to see.
it was this 19yr old chic talking to her parents about sex in a counseling session with Dr. Drew. her parents thought she was a virgin only to find out during the session she was active and not protected with her bf, that was interesting to see.
had to be pretty akward though, i cant imagine talking to my parents about sex, i freaked out watching a rated r movie with my dad so i definitely wouldnt be able to talk about stuff like that with them. lol
<div style="text-align: left; margin-left:auto; visibility: visible; margin-right: auto; width: 450px;”>my parents have always been quite conservative when it came to that, they never really explained the birds and bees story to me, i got all of my information about sex through friends and television.
I always think back and wonder had they told me about protection, birth control etc would things be different now, would i have still got knocked up at 16? who knows.
  anywayz i G0tta go, True Blood is coming on, im addicted to that show, even worse than my MTv addiction =x




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