happily never after.

im starting to realize (and maybe i have high expectations after watching enough romance movies over the past decade)
That i’ve always been so naieve about relationships even when i was younger, i had this idea that once i met THE guy im supposed to be with that everything would fall in to place.
i would think of all the things i would want out of the ideal relationship as i got older, there would be love and romance (of course) great communication, chemistry, mutual respect, support, loyalty, intimacy with a happily ever after ending…
and somehow i ended up with the biggest asshole ever… im starting to reevaluate what i have with him, everything i expected from an ideal relationship is realistic?isnt it? there has to be couples that have everything i listed.
so how the hell did i get the broken one?apparently im not worthy.

i dont believe in soulmates anymore but i do believe there are some people out there your compatible with that you could have everything i described.
i just know over this past week that he isnt the one im going to marry and have kids with. there is no happily ever after with him.
he cant even support me in my time of need, instead i get judgement and put down for feeling the way i do.
i wanted to believe it was him, i still love him, but i think deep down i know he’s not who i will end up with, ive just been holding on for dear life, in fear of having to start over again- the last thing i want to do is end up with a carbon copy of Drago.
i had this future goal of getting married by the time i turned 26, having a couple of kids and living out my life with this great man i made out to be my ‘prince’
now i’m starting to become cynical about the whole idea of finding your "life partner"
romance in general makes me bitter wherever i see it now.
i used to be so optimistic about it, now im just like ‘fuck it’
i should just stick to what i know best- being a single mom.
…fuck love
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September 12, 2008

i understand your feeling being with someone like that would cause to re think everything you thought about love & soulmates etc

September 12, 2008

Do what makes you happy! *HUGS*

September 12, 2008

thank you but i was once also in your position as well remember this “what is victory if one hasnt suffered”

September 13, 2008

i see i do hope you find someone who will treat you like you deserve to be treated

September 13, 2008

Just remember no one said it would be easy…just that it would be worth it!! HUGS!!

September 13, 2008

I agree. I always used to dream of some sort of fairy tale…I can see that’s not gonna happen. Lol.

September 13, 2008

I feel exactly the way you do on that whole subject.

September 13, 2008

don’t say that.your ideal of a relationship DOES exit,but no relationship is perfect and everybody has their arguments and really shitty times.don’t give up on love,because i know you’ll find somebody sooner or later.and you ARE worthy of it. if you really feel that way about him,i think you should let him go.i know it would be really hard but if yall are really meant for each other it will happen

September 13, 2008


I don’t know if I believe in soulmates or not… I used to. I am still madly in love with husband of 12 years and things are great, but sometimes I wonder if we are just married because we happened to be in the right place at the right time…. not because of some devine destiny. But I can tell you that the right relationship does exist and you don’t have to put up with a bad one.

September 13, 2008

I don’t believe in soul mates. I think what makes a relationship work is the fact that you learn to deal with your partner’s flaws and love them for who they are. There’s no such thing as a “prince” or the perfect man, but you can find somebody who is perfect for YOU, flaws and all. When you find him, you will know. **hugs**

September 14, 2008

Damn, sorry to hear that. They do say that when you do meet the right person (your prince) that’s it going to make all the other people (the frogs) seem worthwhile. Hang in there

saw you on another favs.. your boys are adorable btw i feel like you tho about love.. it makes me really bitter lately! and i hate feeling that way! honestly i want a realationship but part or me has given up

September 19, 2008

I know this feeling too well. A man once told me I thought with my heart more than my head when it comes to realationships and that if I stayed strong and followed my head, I wouldnt be in the dead end relationships i’ve been in all my life. It makes sense when you think about it. Your head lets you see the warning signs, its your heart and emotions that trump the common sense. *sigh* It sucks!