election party {e}

some family, a few friends came by last night to watch the election coverage and all i have to say is thank god my instincts were wrong, i was really pulling for him to win but i also had my doubts after seeing enough ppl out there who were misinformed about obama.
as soon as the numbers came back that he won i pretty much jumped back and forth through the living room and called a few ppl while in tears, it really is a historic moment, that i never thought i would see in my lifetime.
i’ve never felt so proud to be an american as i am today, looks like i wont be moving to europe afterall lol..
….and thank god i wont have to hear of sarah palin again, i think palin was the republicans downfall, not to mention the close connection Mccain had with GWB, no matter how much he tried to distance himsself, claiming he was nothing like bush, im glad people were able to see through that.
i thought mccains concession speech was gracious though, his supporters booing when he talked of obama were total asshats. but that no longer matters anymore
Fox news was pretty somber last night lol, sure they didnt see that coming, then again neither did i.
i am a bit concerned for Obamas safety now though, the secret service has their work cut out for them in the next 4 years.
but anywh0re.. 
we had alot of wine, junk food at the party and i kindof went overboard so im now feeling the effects of it while im at work, i have the worst case of heartburn, not to mention a migraine out of this world. i didnt go to bed until 2 am.
Drago called me around 6 am, i was still asleep at the time but i managed to pick up for a few mins, nothing new on his end, said hes been sick for a few days.
im going to that focus group later around 7ish, kindof broke at the moment so a hundred bucks from that will be nice.





for whatever reason my car has been acting a bit strange today, so i didnt want to risk taking it out tonight until i found out what was wrong with it once i take it to the shop this week.  so i asked ashleys friend Jeremy if he could take me to the focus study, which is approximately 25 mins away from my house according to google.

never been out in that area before so i printed out the directions, left the house an hour early with ashley and ole boy thinking i would make it on time by 7:45pm.

we finally get out in that area but end up in traffic not to mention getting lost a few times. instead of taking 25 mins to g

et there it took a little over an hour until we finally arrived at the place! i get to the building, not paying attention the time, get to the office and i was 10mins late.. so they turned me away~~!! all of that driving to get there, thinking i would make it on time.. and it was for nothing.. another missed oppurtunity for $100  

i was really pissed off, i still am.. but theres not much i can do about it, get over it eventually.. that really sucked, i didnt want to talk the whole drive back to my house.. felt like going to my room and laying down, but instead im here typing this lol.. ill lay down in a minute.. i kindof laughed about it because this sh-t could only happen to me.. worst luck ever i swear.. ugh.



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November 5, 2008

RYN: Yes im SO excited!! lol. The church construction set me back, but i think we’ve found a way to work around it so thats good. I remember started to plan 9 months ago, thinking time would draggggg and now its HERE!

November 5, 2008

i enjoyed last night also. i think you are right on with all your thoughts about the election!

November 5, 2008

It was awesome!!

November 5, 2008

I am pretty excited, and looking forward to the change!!

November 5, 2008

im so happy he won,and yeah i liked mccain’s speech as well.

November 5, 2008

awwww that sucks!well at least next time you’ll know where it’s at for sure!

November 5, 2008

Damn that’s messed up about the ride there and y’all got lost. I’m mad they turned you away over 10 mins 🙁 Girl, I’m so happy about Obama!!!!! 😀 I agree 100% on what you said about Mccain losing votes because of palin and the closeness of his persona to Bush.

November 5, 2008

im glad he won!

November 5, 2008

He’s going to turn this entire country into a jungle..like the one he left behind.

November 6, 2008

Election night was hell for me. I missed it ALL, didn’t get to vote didnt get to watch CNN. Damn electricity company jacked me all up. I tried to post my entry about it, but OD is buggin and My curser wont jump into the area to write my entry. UGH .

November 6, 2008

I’m just glad it is all over with honestly! Lol.

November 6, 2008

that sucks about the focus group! You already know I’m happy about his win and like you, I’m also concerned for his safety but I’m sure it’s expected so the security around him will be tight.

November 8, 2008

i love the jay z mya remix…brings back old memories!!! GO OBAMA!