bums at the gas station.{e}

theres like a shell and race trac near my house that always has a few homeless ppl there asking for money or food standing right near the gas pumps, i wouldnt mind it so much if they werent so close into my personal space ya know?
im trying to pump gas and i have this strange guy looking at me then walking near my car asking me for food, its usually the same guys there, some are actually homeless but then there are some that arent and just want to scam ppl out of a few bucks with some made-up sob story.
I was driving up to the shell last night, and this lady pulled up beside me telling me that her father is a veteran and shes trying to visit him, she had to pause and think of the rest of her story that would be convincing enough for me to give her some $ lol, i just told her i didnt have it.
they definitely know what theyre doing by staking out at the gas stations though, they know ppl will have some change, so they target them.
The kiDs behavior has improved.. slightly.. when i picked him up from school today his teacher said hes been talking alot more and raising his hand to answer Qs. so thats a good thing, not sure why the sudden change -but that was nice to hear.
I havent talked to Drago in a few days now, i sent him a text yesterday but he he didnt answer it, and he had the nerve to call me at 6am this morning, i didnt even bother to pick it up, sent it to voicemail..
occasionally he will go days at a time without contact, i had a feeling he would try to call me today.. sometimes i think i know him better than he knows himsself.
sometimes he will wait 3-4 days then pop in with a call or text to *check-in* 
i’m not going to make myself available to him anymore, fuck him with a capital F.


That Jason guy with the 4 kids that i met in person not too long ago? sent me a text at 3am saying he has to go to court in houston about getting custody of his kids today, his two oldest kids live in houston but the mother was abusive, so CPS eventually took them, he sent me a text later in the day saying they took his rights away =/
I feel bad for him, as much as my kid gets on my nerves i couldnt imagine not having him, he’s all i have.
I’m thinking about going to this local strip club i seen on myspace called La Bare when my cousin Andrea comes up here this weekend, i was looking at pics on their website earlier and was ready to go tonite lol. that would be fun.. i wonder if they stuff something ‘down there’ to make it look bigger, or is it really "theirs"
g-d im horny… its been awhile..



usually when i see an entry that is outright offensive i do my best to avoid confrontation but this chic here got the best of me, this is what i was referring to a few days back in regards to ignorant voters and the election,  thankfully the majority seen the light and voted for change.







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November 11, 2008

glad that your son’s behavior improved=) going to the strip club with your cousin sounds fun!

November 11, 2008

Looks like the real thing judging from the picture!!

November 11, 2008

i’m glad his getting better, they always go through a stage when they reach a certain age i’m sure he’ll get much better as time goes on! lol if i was down them bits i’d come too hehe. i’d invite maself lol 😉 x x

November 11, 2008

I’m glad lil man is doing better. Drago is kidding, I’m mad he ignores you, and then calls you at the crack. Dang that’s messed up about dude losing the right to his kids 🙁 A strip club sounds like hella fun. Maybe they only pick dudes w/ big peepees to work there :-p

November 11, 2008

I’m so glad his behavior has improved!! lmao at that picture. It does look like he has something stuffed down there but you never know. RYN: They had the boots in black too.

November 11, 2008

Ahaha…the picture…hmm…not sure, but I’d stuff if I were a guy, lol.

November 11, 2008

Ugh…I was so disgusted when I read all the stuff on the diary (clicked on the link). And I read her next entry where she tried backing up her “facts”…youtube. What a fantastic source (I hope you sense my sarcasm). Seriously!??!

November 11, 2008

That a hunky man..I wouldnt mind going to a male strip club! I am so tired of people saying ignorant statements about Obama!

November 12, 2008

that woman is ignorant on that diary! glad your son has calmed down a bit and is doing better.

November 12, 2008

That doesn’t look real… Good to hear your son’s getting better.

November 12, 2008

Oh wow. That guys stuff is seriously bulging. Lol.

November 12, 2008

That would be embarassing if they stuffed and it popped out while they were dancing. Haha. I’m sure some probably do though…because who wants to pay money to go stare at a guy with a small package?!

November 12, 2008

and P.S. a lot of Republicans are just pissed because they thought they had everything in the bag, no questions asked. They didn’t think they had to worry about Obama…and then the unthinkable happened. They didn’t just lose…they got SPANKED. Who would want any part of a 72 year-old man and Sarah Palin getting anywhere near the whitehouse? Haha.

November 13, 2008

I’m glad your son’s behavior has improved! I wish we had strip clubs around here targeted towards females. you’re lucky!