i had to do a research paper in my psych class on socrates. its wierd because before i started reading up on him, i was thinking about what people value, what i value. then as i was reading part of his phiosophy was on that very subject (funny how God moves).
so what do you value? what do you deem necessary to have in your life to live and be content?
value in this context as defined by websters is:
3 : relative worth, utility, or importance <a good value at the price> <the value of base stealing in baseball> <had nothing of value to say>
i look back just in my life time at what has been and become something of value and sought after by so many people. who determines wats valuable and its value in our lives?
see, this is where it all started for me. BET!!! this has to be one of the worse channels on tv. for these reasons. it is suppose to be Black Entertainment television, then it claims to represent the culture. but it doesnt represent me or my culture and i am black. so i dont get it. if it is a representation of the culture, then wat is it saying about the culture? we only like to talk or think about God for a few hours on sunday, then after that forget him. then its also saying that we (as a culture) are only good for making us laugh and showing off our bodies. dont get me wrong i kno sex sells and they are trying to compete with other stattions, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. especially when you make a claim to represent an entire culture r group of people. think about the great late Dr. King, he represented an entire group of people at one point in his life. he couldnt just say and do watever he wanted. think about "Christians", why dont people like them. because they’re hypocrits. they say one thing and do another, they dont reflect the person they are suppose to be representing. same with the president, some say that he doesnt reflect the thought and ideals of us all and they want him out and dont favor him too well. i’ve stopped watching most of BET for this very reason, they do not represent me very well.
so wat is valuable? money, rims, big houses, lots of nice cars, tons of clothing, and the list goes on. but hat does any of this provide you with, except a lot of stuff. you only have one body and can only wear one outfit at a time. you can only drive one car at a time. you can only live in one room of your house at a time. what do we need with all of these things? NOTHING!!! someone said that in order to be considered wealthy or a success you hav to hav all of these things, but who the hell is this person? i would love to meet them and talk to them. because i dont need all of that. and is this need that has caused the world to plumit to its demise. i mean, people are steadily trying to gain things and dont care whot they come about obtaining them. if the rich woud realize they have enough toi share and the poor realized they only need enough to maintain. because these things we seek after dont include love, happiness or peace of mind. its like the toys we buy our children "batteries not included", these things are not included, but for some reason we chase after them anyeay.
someone asked me wat one thing do i desire right now? you kno wat i told them… PEACE. i would love to have peace of mind. i cant sleep, eat, or get much done. i dont any of that "stuff", i need something not tangible, something that i cant find on the shelves of any store or at any dot-com.
so are the things we value equal to the things we think will bring us happiness and peace? are they equivalent to our need to be noticed and accepted in society? should we all value the same things, the same way, and for the same reaons?
i just dont get it. i’ll stop here, got school work i should be doing. i’ll rant some more later. love ya’ll
untill next time…
Hey! I’m proud of you. You seem to dislike BET just as much as I do. Awesome!
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wow that part on BET reminded me of the dr.king episode of the boondocks
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