That Day

Well good morning my friends, what’s going on today?  It’s Sunday and a little chilly, the Heater just came on.  Randy just ran off to the Grocery store to buy beer, tortillas and bacon.  what a combo!  We went last night but forgot those three items lol.  oh wells.  We’re gonna make breakfast burritos for breakfast/lunch and then had Brats later on.  YUM!

The Broncos play at 1, so I’mma be all into the game later on, woohoo!  I can’t wait.  heh.

Anyway so the rest of the week went well.  I last wrote on Wednesday morning.  We got to Rio Rancho and he did the store and I sat in Subway at Walmart.  He finished in like 2 hours and then went to Walmart to buy Water.  After that we went and had lunch and then he dropped me off at Starbucks/Keva Juice and I got a Keva Juice and realized there were no outlets in there to plug in my phone (which was at like 20% battery) so I went over to Starbucks and bought a cheese danish and found an outlet and sat there and did random stuff online.

Finally he was finished and we headed to the Hotel.  Got a shower and met my cousins at Dion’s for dinner at 6.  My godparents (Margaret and Eric) plus my cousin Patricia, Lisa and Lisa’s girlfriend Rhiannon (sp?) were there so that was awesome to see all of them.  They met Randy and they were very pleased with him lol.  So that is good!  Yay.  Had dinner and sat and talked for a good while.  that was fun.

Went our separate ways and we went to Walmart and yeah.  Went back to the hotel and chilled.  Fell asleep prettty quickly that night.  Thursday he got up, got ready and then we went and had breakfast.  I went back to the room and he took off to one of the Coors stores.  I got ready and he came and picked me up around 11.  We were thinking about going to eat somewhere but neither of us were really that hungry.

So he just went to the Home Depot which is right NEXT to the Cottonwood Mall.  So I went there and my friend Frances met me there as well.  I hadn’t seen her in like 8 years or so.  Crazyness.  So did that, walked around the mall for a bit.  Then she was like, I need to go to Costco so as we were leaving the Mall, I slipped and fell in some soda that had been spilled on the floor.  Kind of did the splits lol.  oy, leave it to me.  But it was good, went to Costco and got her stuff and then as we were leaving, Randy said he didn’t have much longer and so we went to the HD and waited for him to come out.  Was about 20 minutes or so.  Then we went to the mall and had lunch.  French Fries and chicken strips lol. 

Went back to the hotel after that and Randy Showered and I napped for like 30 minutes cuz I was feeling pretty crappy at that time.  My leg was hurting and my back and head.  But the nap seemed to help.  He showered and got ready and then I did his hair (been doing it in a braid) and we took off to Santa Fe.  There was an accident on the interstate so that took a bit.  Got to Randy’s Uncle’s house and he immediately offers us a beer.  haha that was awesome.  so we sat and talked for like 30 minutes with him and Deb (the uncle’s gf) and then we were like yeah let’s go eat food.

So we did that.  went and had sushi which was amazing.  We got 9 rolls between the 4 of us and it was like $130 (that included three beers and a bottle of sake though too).  So yeah that was fun.  Headed back to Albs just before 10.  They told us that the next time we’re in town, they will go down to Albuquerque and meet us there.  So we’ll know for next time.

Anywho, got back to the room and I got in the tub and soaked for like 30 minutes.  it helped my back and my leg tremendously.  I woke up on Friday with no soreness or anything that I thought I was going to have.  Friday, had breakfast, he went to Los Lunas to do that store and then to the Eubank Store.  I had breakfast and contemplated laying down for a nap for a really long time.  Then decided to get out of the room so Housekeeping could clean it.  I went downstairs for like 45 minutes and she still hadn’t finished.  She was in the room when I went back up so I just sat at the end of the hall for a good while.

Finally she finished and I went back in there (about 11:30) and then fell asleep for like two hours.  My drug alarm woke me up.  Randy had text me at that time to see what the plan was for the evening.  We were supposed to hang out with Lorena, but I know how Lorena is so I was like iffy about it.  So I just told him I didn’t know and that I hadn’t heard from her. 

I messaged her on FB and like 20 minutes later she messaged me saying she had just gotten in from doing errands and she had to shower and all that so what time should she come over.  I told her that Randy was almost done and that he’d be back to the hotel by like 3:30…so we decided on 4:30 for her to come so that worked out.

It was funny because on Wednesday at dinner with my cousins, they mentioned that one of our other cousins, Josephine, was a manager at The Eubank Home Depot.  So I got a text from Randy asking me what her name was again and I told him and he was like ok, I saw her and talked to her briefly…I’m gonna go find her again lol.  So he went up to her and was like, I need to talk to you.  And she was like about what?  And he said Stephanie….she was like Stephanie…?  Stephanie Abalos.  Josephine was like ohhh kkk?  What about her?  Randy said I’m her boyfriend and Josephine was like OH YEAH!  I thought you looked familiar.  Hah, that’s too funny.  

Anywho, so Randy got ready and we waited for Lorena to show up, I was combing Randy’s hair when she showed up so I finished that, we watched The Help for a little bit and then decided to go to Chili’s for dinner which was tasty.  Talked and laughed about good times.  Went and got some Ice Cream, more talking, more laughing and then came back to the hotel and she came up with us and we talked some more for a good while, like 3 hours more lol.  She left a little after 11 lol.  Good shit.

We were reminiscing on old Yahoo Chatroom times lol.  After that, went to bed and got up Saturday morning got everything packed, checked out of the room and he went to the Home Depot right there, had to write down some pricing and then we met my Nina at Krispy Kreme.  We each got a dozen assorted donuts lol.  The regular dozen is like $9.50…and you can get TWO assorted dozen for $15…so we did that, got some coffee, said bye to my Nina…she’d gotten two donuts for her and my Nino.  Then we went to Lowe’s so he could compare the prices there to HD’s and stopped for munchies and came home.

We made it home around 5 or so.  Checked on the Hammies, made sure none of them were dead and then we went and had food to eat ourselves s

ince we had only eaten snacks and donuts LOL.  We had to go to the store because we were planning on making Brats for this evening but we forgot the beer and then tortillas and bacon for the burritos LOL.  I dunno if we’re even gonna get to make the burritos before it’s time to put the brats on.  oy.  We’ll see i guess hah.

If not, I can make the stuff later and make a burrito in the morning.  Or on Tuesday because I have to Babysit tomorrow.  Soooo yup.  Good stuff.  I’m drinking coffee…Randy is still at the store, just sent me a message asking if I’ll drink soymilk.  Uhmm not drink, but i’ll use it in cereal lol.  Who knows what he’s doing lol. 



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January 19, 2014

hey the broncos won are you happy about that? how are you?

January 19, 2014

should be a good game then huh? how have you been? it’s been ages since we last talked!

January 20, 2014

honestly i’m hoping that the denver broncos win. i would of loved having baltimore be in the superbowl but hey if someone has to win it should be the broncos. payton is just amazing right now.

January 20, 2014