Dusty Slopes

Current Mood: 
Current Music: Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines

Hey kids, what’s going on? can’t say a whole lot is going on here, just chillen, waiting for the kids to wake up.  i’m at my brother’s house.  it’s Sunday.  All the kids are here.  It was just supposed to be Amerie, but the Wench couldn’t get them this weekend or she’s coming to Tucson today "supposedly".  But we’ll see if that happens.  I will let you know later.  LOL.


So how is everyone?  Well I am on day 2 of 200 mgs of Topamax.  Halfway through my Dose Down.  blah.  it’s been, well….rocky.  Wednesday night was just…bad.  I dunno.  I need to write a private entry, but I’ll do that later…however…I had to just take a Dilaudid that night to knock myself out because my head was KILLING me and I needed to sleep.  I woke up that day with a migraine from hell.  Then it just continued to get worse over the course of the day and that night was just like FML.

I hadn’t had a night like that in I don’t know how long.  Probably since March.  I did not miss those kind of nights.  Writhing in pain just waiting to fall asleep because the stupid Dilaudid doesn’t actually do anything for the pain, just knocks me out.  *sadsauce*  I only have one Maxalt left too, but even then, it was too late to take it by that point.

I have learned, from the Migraine Researche Foundation group that I’m in on Facebook, that a cocktail of Aleve and Benadryl, along with my triptan (Maxalt) will do a good number to help relieve the Migraine.  I mean it makes sense because they give you tylenol and benadryl in the ER so I’m gonna have to get a big ol bottle of naproxen next time I can.  And it’s supposed to be better on the tummy than Ibuprofen.  cuz that kinda messes me up too.  I tell you, if it’s not one thing, it’s another.


yeah.  what else is going on.  so, i get my foodstamps this week, thank the gods.  not til Thursday though, which sucks.  but time is drawing nearer.   I gotta call on Monday to see wtf is going on with my Paperwork for my prescriptions.  And also see who I can talk to about the occipital nerve block stuff.  I called on Wednesday but they needed a CPT code or something and then never heard back and then Thursday and Friday we did stuff so I didn’t get a chance to call again.  Friday was fun.

Usually Friday is our day to just do stuff.  Thursday he’ll go help his dad if necessary or we’ll just chill, and then Friday we’ll go out and do stuff, every other Friday is payday too so yeah.  We’ve been looking for a dresser, still haven’t found one, as well as a desk.  meh.  it’s frustrating.  And then also we got a notice on our door that the lease is up September 30th, so we gotta make a decision as to whether we’re gonna stay or go.  

I guess he talked to his dad and I know he’s been talking about moving back out there to his parents house.  It would save money on rent and stuff, yeah, sure, but I asked him yesterday if it was cost effective as far as gas was concerned, and it’s not.  Plus, like I thought, his dad said there’s really no room for us.  The whole reason he moved in with me is because of the fact that Adam (his brother) moved in to the room that he had been occupying.  And Randy was like well we could live in the Motor Home or whatever, but yeah I don’t really see that happening.  It’s like where is all our STUFF gonna go.  Plus, the whole foodstamp situation would really get messed up I think…so I need A permanent address to have for all of that stuff.

Unfortunately, we’re probably gonna end up staying where we are until all of this stuff gets settled with the Disability, unless the disability stuff gets settled within the next two weeks…which I highly doubt.  *sigh*  I’m just so frustrated that all of this is like piling on and I don’t know what the fuck to do.  and I really don’t have the money to do anything.  I don’t know how people get any money donated on that gofundme site, it just doesn’t work for me.  I’ve shared my link, it’s down there, i’ve had people share it for me, but eh I guess my shit isn’t important enough to warrant donations.  It’s kind of like my instacanvas gallery, that’s why I closed it.


Anywho…so, there’s that.  There’s so much other stuff that I have swirling around in my head that, I have to write in my private entry but I’ll do that sometime…not sure when.  It’s gonna reach a very small audience because I have a small group of "Friends".  Those of you that want to be added to my "Friends" list, let me know.  I removed everyone back when I privitised everything and have only had a few people say they want added back, so let me know.

Uhh, yeah.  Next Friday, we’re going to Breaker’s (Water Park) with my bro and the kids.  He shocked the hell out of me by inviting us.  and he’s paying for it, so yeah.  I guess after the whole Phoenix thing where they just pretty much fucked off and didn’t even want to bother to come out to have dinner with us since it was Randy’s birthday (and we had gone out with them for Sharla’s birthday and his birthday) my other brother Andrew had a talk with him, so they got guilted into inviting us to Breaker’s.  It’s like, whatever.  it’ll be fun.  I just hope it’s not raining that day LOL.  Eh.

Alrighty well it sounds like Amerie is about to wake up, and the other kids should be waking up soon too so, I’m gonna end this here.  You all have a GREAT day.





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RYN: Yeah I am still planning on trying to get them here soon, but we’ll see. What you say about opinions is true, I think it would a bit more water if it came from someone who didn’t know me at all. Being paranoid and self-conscious about everything is more of a mentality, or a way of life than a relationship issue. Thanks for the advice 🙂