Double Duty

Current Mood: 
Current Music: Whatever Music is from the game Randy is playing…

Hellloooo my friends, what’s going on today??? Well I am slightly annoyed with everything because of the fact that the Dr’s office is pissing me off.  So last Monday, the 8th, I had to go to this "class" type thing at the DES office.  it was a Education and Training program that was basically them telling me I had to get a job.  But in order to excuse me from that, because hello I’m unable to work at this point, I had to get a notice from my dr.  But the lady at the SNA E & T program forgot to give me the form so she faxed it over to Dr. B’s office.  

So, I had my appointment on Monday and asked him about the paperwork and he said they had gotten 23 pages of paperwork which I thought was pretty outrageous, but I was like whatever.  So I called today, because I forgot to yesterday, because my stupid brain you know.  anyway…so Alice is like, uhm you need to talk to Lisa about it, so she transfers me over to Lisa and SHE’s like yeah well I remember getting that paperwork, but hold on I don’t know where it’s at. 

So she’s like I will call you back and bla bla blah.  Well she calls me back and says that the dictation states that I returned to work on November 19th.  Well duh, but I STOPPED work on March 29th or whatever.  So we have a conversation about that and she’s like Ok, well I’m going to put on here that You had a Medication Change and that you will be Re-evaluated in September.  So I’m like, that’s fine, that’s good.

Well like a couple hours later, I get a call from the SNA E & T lady, Wendy saying that the form they sent her is fine, but it doesn’t excuse me from the program because there’s one box that asks "does the person have a physical or mental condition that keeps them from doing any gainful employment" and I guess they checked "no".  I’m like WTF!  ugghghghgghghghg.

So fucking frustrating.  I’m like what the hell are these people doing over there??  they need to get their shit together.  They do one thing right but not another?  It’s so fucking annoying.  ughghghggh.  i’m seriously pulling my hair out.  If I don’t get that form together and sent to them, that could possibly affect my Foodstamps.

Grrr.  So I called Lisa back but left her a message.  so hopefully she gets back to me today if not i’m kind of screwed.  blah.  then she still has to do my medication stuff.  Speaking of that I started dosing down on my Topamax yesterday.  blah.  it’s been like argh.  We had to go get Randy’s Windshield replaced because a couple weeks ago he had that incident where the soda can flew out of the boom of the Cox truck and cracked his windshield so they FINALLY sent him the check and we got that done yesterday.

and then after that we went Thrift Shopping again (short of) looking for a dresser.  we’ve been to several Thrift Shops and Goodwill’s and haven’t found anything.

Yesterday’s desperate post was gut wrenching.  i’m so sad about that stupid bed set you guys have no idea how badly we want that damn thing and it’s being discontinued.  like I told my friend Jackey.  There’s so many things these days that fall into the "not meant to be" category for us.  you know how they say that if something comes into your life and you end up not being able to have it, then it’s "not meant to be"?  well that just seems to be the case for pretty much everything these days for us.

I’m so frustrated with how everything these days is JUST out of our reach.  we keep getting teased with all these things and NOTHING works out for us.  I honestly don’t know what I’ve done in my life that Karma is paying me back for so badly.  I don’t get it.  I don’t feel like I have been such a bad person that I should deserve all this negative shit.  but I obviously pissed Karma off at one point that it’s like FUCK YOU.  so…yeah.  that’s just how I feel.

Anyway…I guess that’s it.  The picture above is the PERFECT desk and exactly what Randy and I need for our computer setup.  I’m gonna ask my Uncle up in Taos how much he would charge to make us something like that (without the Hutch, because we don’t need that) and have Randy draw up some specs for it) then there might be a roadrip to Taos in the near future if he can build us something lol).

So yupperdoodles.  I’m waiting for the Maintenance guy to come fix my upstairs toilet.  it’s been running nonstop for a while but I haven’t really paid much attention to it, but last night it kind of overflowed when I flushed it, it was just water that overflowed, no nasty stuff…but yeah that was annoying.  so, I called like at 11 this morning, and it’s almost 3….so, yeah, we’ll see when they get here.  blah. 

have a good one.

*Got everything figured out with the forms and stuff…grrrrr people make shit so difficult! whew*


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