Crazy Week

Current Mood: Blargle
Current Music: Ryan Adams – Down In A Hole


Stuff and Things

Good afternoon my friends, what’s going on today? Not a lot here, really, just thought I would try something a little different since I have a lot to go over and I don’t want it to run all together. I haven’t really written a lot in the last week because we’ve been so freakin busy! omg.  ok, so yeah, we have been running around like chickens without our heads since Monday.  But we got SO much accomplished, but now that we got all of that accomplished, I think everything is on the back burner until the middle of August.  But I will tell you why in just a little bit.
I last wrote on Sunday, I was over at my brother’s house.  Had to watch the kids.  It was originally just going to be Amerie but the wench couldn’t be bothered to get the kids, as is per usual.  She said she was gonna be in town so my brother was like ok let me know when you get here and you can get them from here (the hospital).  Well of course, conveniently, when she got to town, she had “things to do”.  I dunno about you, but if it was me, and I hadn’t seen my children in a week, I would get my kids first and then go do what I had to do.
But, well, we all already know how she does things.  So yeah she never came by and apparently my brother took them to her after they ate and stuff.  Ugh, idiots.  So whatever that was that.  We had made plans to go to Breakers on Friday so that was good.  

Storage Unit

Monday I got up and we went and looked at Storage Units because Randy’s was way out in Rita Ranch which is like almost to Vail which is ridiculous so he was looking for one near here.  So we looked at like three of them.  Ended up going with one for a few reasons.  It was like 20 bucks cheaper, they required insurance but if there was Renters Insurance that would cover it (I have Renters Insurance) and then the dude at the place was cool as hell.
So I just had to call Farm Bureau to Find out if it did Indeed cover Storage Units.  So I called them on Monday and nothing, left a message.  So Tuesday they called me back in the morning and let me know that it did cover and they just needed a value.  So we went and got the Unit…got all that figured out and then proceeded to get all his shit moved from out there to over here.  That was fun.  Then in between that was trying to figure out with my brother if we were going to Breakers on Friday or Saturday because the Wench decided she wanted to take them too.  Ugh, retard.
Anyway, so did that, came home and hung out for a while because we were exhausted.  Uhmmm yeah That was Tuesday.  Wednesday we took the trailer back out to his dad’s house, went back to the Storage Unit to finish getting the rest of the stuff and then cancelled that one.  Then unloaded and came home and showered.  

Apartment Hunting

Then we went and looked at a few apartments.  So yeah, that’s another thing that’s going on.  My lease is up as I mentioned at the end of September.  I had talked to them about what a 2 bedroom would be like, and it’s out of our price range.  they want almost $750 for it which is redonk.  it’s big, like 939 sq ft, I think, but, just, no.  They are unwilling to work with me too, considering I have been here for almost two years with NO problems, have only ever paid my rent late once and all that good stuff.  You know?  I have a good rental history, came with a good rental history, etc.  So, meh, whatever.  We’re looking.

I have to give my 30 day notice on September 1st.  I asked them about moving out earlier but they won’t prorate anything because of the fact that I am committed to be there until September 30th.  So yeah, good stuff.  I mean we can leave earlier, I just won’t get any discount if that makes sense.  Which kind of sucks, but I mean we have found a couple places.  We went and looked at a few.  One was in a tri-plex managed by this little old man.  It was nice, but a little run down.  the kitchen was TINY, had a washer/dryer hook up, but yeah not really what we were looking for, so we passed on that one.  It did have parking right up front that was covered so that was nice but meh, not really worth it.  that one was $500 and I think 700 sq. ft.

We had also looked into a mobile home, but the map on CL was WAY off and it was on the other side of town, not in our area, so it didn’t end up working out.  So, in the next couple weeks I’m gonna keep looking for stuff like that.  And we’re going Friday to look at another apartment complex.  We did go look at one complex that we were pretty happy with.  It’s a 2 bed/1.75 bath.  The guest bath has a shower stall.  it’s like 750 sq. ft.  The kitchen and dining area are actually separate, whereas right now ours are one whole thing.  Uhm, the living room is kinda small but that’s not really an issue, other than the fact that our couches are HUGE.

that could be easily fixed by either getting smaller furniture or i mean I think our couches will fit.  The main thing is that we will now have DOORS and SEPARATE ROOMS.  that has been the main issue all along.  I mean when I moved into my loft, I was going to be single forever, remember?  lol.  I never planned on or intended to get into a relationship or have someone move in with me.  So the loft idea worked for me.  When Randy came along it was like well yeah this kinda doesn’t work, but we’ve made it work. it’s just been slightly awkward and I commend him for putting up with it LOL.



So, I had talked to my brother (Andrew) about some stuff that had happened between my brother (Matt) and Sharla and stuff that was going on and stuff I had noticed and felt like my brother and Sharla were being selfish and just acting weird.  I had noticed this since I started dating Randy.  I know from the beginning Matt had told me that he didn’t want Randy at the house while I was watching Amerie.  I can understand that, but sometimes he would come by after he got out of work to pick me up so my brother wouldn’t have to take me home.  Is that understandable?  I thought it was, and I would tell my bro, Randy is gonna come by so you don’t have to take me home.  Well when they would get home, it would seem to me that Sharla would be annoyed that Randy was there.  and she would just like not say much and just go into her room.

Well So I had expressed some discontent with all of that stuff.  And then there was the issue with them wanting to go to Vegas this month to see Bruno Mars.  They had asked my parents to go along as well that way when they went out at night, they could watch the kids.  Well my mom and dad were kind of not happy about that because, well they felt like they were just being asked to go to be babysitters, which I can completely see their point.  Well my mom told them no anyway, that they wouldn’t be able to go…Because they were helping ME.  So it seemed like for a while my brother and Sharla were upset with my parents because they had told them no.  My brother didn’t call my mom for like two and a half weeks after that.  I dunno why…but he didn’t  So my mom was very upset.  

We had made plans to go to Breakers and all that well I watched the kids on Sunday and I had logged onto my Facebook on the iPad.  I guess I forgot to log out, and supposedly, Amerie accidentally clicked open my Facebook and got into my messages and Sharla saw the conversation between me and Andrew.  First of all, that’s kind of bullshit because that wasn’t even the first conversation on the list.  I could understand her accidentally seeing it if it was the first conversation on the list, but it wasn’t.  And she said it was "fully open".  I tested it on Randy’s tablet, which is a 10"…the part of the conversation that talked about her and my brother wasn’t even visible in the first part of the window.  She would have had to have scrolled up, meaning she was LOOKING to find something.  Again…bullshit.  

And I just looked how the messages display on the iPad…completely different…there’s NO way she could have even seen that part of the conversation without having been looking for something.  meaning she was snooping through my shit.  when she saw that my Facebook was open, she should have immediately closed it.  I’m sorry but that’s crap.  

Yeah…bullshit.  You can’t maximize that chat window. Unless I missed that part or there’s another way to look at it.  either way, it’s a 10 inch screen, same as Randy’s tablet, it would have come up the same.  But anyway, my brother called me on Tuesday and was like so…yeah, Sharla saw that and was upset I just wanted to know what was going on.  So I told him it’s because of a lot of things, but mainly how they have been acting towards me and Randy since I started seeing him.  Then also the whole Phoenix thing.  How Randy wanted them to come out and Celebrate his birthday with him and they couldn’t be bothered to do so…but yet we had made the time to go out with them on Sharla’s birthday AND my brother’s birthday.  

There was another time when they were all supposed to come swimming at my place and we were supposed to BBQ…then when they day came around, Sharla suddenly wasn’t feeling well, and so she kept Amerie home with her and so just Matt and the kids came over…and he was like I’m just gonna feed them before we go.  Then after they left he was like I gotta go home and make them something to eat.  I was like uh I thought you ate before you came?  we only swam for like an hour.  I dunno it’s just the little things like that that make me question what they are really doing sometimes.  

But yeah so I had a talk with him and all of that, but he wanted me to text her and "apologize" to her for that.  I was just like yeah sure whatever.  I didn’t though because what I said was truthful, and she shouldn’t have been looking through my stuff in the first place.  So meh.  Whatever, we went to Breakers on Saturday and all was well.  


We got our food Stamps on Thursday and went shopping for Groceries.  We really didn’t NEED a whole lot of stuff, so there were things that we could just get.  I mean we got all the stuff we absolutely needed and all that, but yeah it was good.  our Fridge and our pantry are both full.  It makes me happy knowing that we have food.  We made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce too and canned it, so hell yeah.  we have 6 jars of sauce to last us a while now and know how much one pot of sauce can make.  we also bought a proper canning pot now too.  yup yup.


Medication and Head Pain

I’m currently on the last leg of coming off my Topamax.  I have been on 400mg of it since June or July of last year.  I don’t know when it really stopped doing anything for me.  Probably around January of this year.  It just stopped really being effective.  So after much consideration and a lot of feedback from the people in my Migraine Research Foundation group on Facebook, I decided to tell the Dr. that I wanted to come off of it.  So he agreed to let me dose down on it.  He said for me to come off of it at 100mg every three days, which I thought was way too fast, so I did 50mg every three days.  took me almost a month to do so but the 7th will be my last day.  I may have fudged a couple days but yeah…I kept a pretty good schedule.

As far as how the head pain has been and how it’s affected my body, it’s been a little rough.  In the beginning I thought I was doing ok.  The first few days were like yeah this is ok, then the third day I just wanted to die.  I felt like I used to feel back in the beginning.  Like straight up miserable, severe head pain, wanted to cry and crawl into a ball and do absolutely nothing.  I had one day where I felt like complete shit.  Luckily Randy was at work that day and I was able to just be by myself in my own misery.  it was awful.

Then as I was coming off of it, I noticed that I had more energy, I was able to do more, I was able to stay awake at home.  when we would go out and do the grocery shopping or just go out and about and do errands and stuff, when we would get home and stuff, I would immediately fall asleep when we would get home.  And doing those errands would just drain me to the point where I would get cranky.  Remember my post where I was bitching about his Shopping Habits?  Well a lot of that was just because I felt miserable most of the time.  I feel better now and am able to tolerate going out and about and spending time at the mall or just going into Best Buy and just looking around.  I can do that now.

The only differences I HAVE noticed are that I skipped my period for July, but I know that that is OK because I made sure (the obvious way, I took a test).  But I remember when i STARTED on the Topamax back last year, I did skip my period a couple months.  This drug is really tough on the body, so yeah.  But hmmm I dunno.  hopefully this month I’ll have my period because that would be a problem.  grrr.  I’ll definitely go have to have it checked if I skip this month too, but I mean ugh, I’m pretty sure it’s just the drastic change with the medication.

The other change is the one pain in the side of my head, right by my temple.  It’s a realllly sharp pain that lasts about 20 or 30 minutes and pressure on it relieves it a little…then it just kind of goes away.  I dunno.  blah.  Like I said, those are the only two issues.  I mean I’ve had more energy, my legs and hands haven’t gone numb, the soda/carbonation thing has been better.  So I guess we’ll see what happens once I finish with it and then another week or two before it’s completely out of my system.  

I haven’t gotten my paperwork from the dr. about my other meds, so I can send in for my Gabapentin and my Maxalt.  blah I have called them several times too and they don’t return my calls, so I have to call again.  It’s kind of ridiculous and then they get annoyed about it.  grrr.  so yeah.  That’s all of that.

Sex Stuff

Hah, so I haven’t written much about the sex life because I said I wasn’t going to.  But, I just can’t NOT write about this.  Our sex life has been pretty amazing as always.  I mean there are some things that Have come up, but they’re not big issues.  I may write an FO entry about all of that, but right now, i’ll just share this.  The other day we were going at it and as per usual, I was on top.  well I had already gotten off like four times, but he was still hard, so I hunched myself down on him and tightened my legs around him so I was squeezing him.  I could tell right away that that was doing the trick by his reaction, so I just started moving my hips up and down really fast.

Well apparently that’s the thing to do because shortly after that he started breathing really hard and was like I’m getting close.  I was about ready to pop off again so I was like ugh donnnnn’t stop and i was the one doing all the work apparently (he said that later) but he was like I’m gonna cum, so I hopped off and right at that moment I came too, but it was wayyy different from how I normally finish….well, I squirted.  All over his leg and my leg too.  haha.  it was like Whoaaa.  too crazy.  I have never done that before.

I know he had been trying to make me squirt before, but had never accomplished it.  hah.  so I was kinda quiet when I was done which is not how I usually finish.  So I was like uhmmm yeah, that was interesting and he just was like what??  So then he felt his leg and I was like, you made me squirt!  haha first of all he was like WOOHOO!!  and then he was like DAMMIT, I didn’t see it.  grrr lol.  So that was interesting haha.  


So this entry is ridiculously long…and hopefully it’ll get some notes.  I tried to break it into sections that way you could maybe just pick a section that you want to read about and go there, but just do that.  So yup haha.  anywho, have a good one and hopefully I won’t wait so long between updates next time. haha.  bye bye.


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Wow yay for a long entry! Sounds like things are going pretty good for you! You should definitely write more about the sex stuff, we ODer’s have dirty minds lol. P.s., the squeezing him with your legs is probably what caused the squirting, that typically happens when you are contracting muscles and what not down there. It’s hard to explain, there are YouTube videos I’m sure lol

RYN: I agree, but I also look to the future. I guess in my mind if I see a potential problem in the future, I figure why bother now? Like why waste 6 months of my life and energy and getting attached and facing emotional turmoil and potential emotional damage if she is just going to take off in a year or less, or is never going to move in with me or start a life with me. I know it’s not healthy, I know it’s not right, but it’s just how I think. Not to mention I analyze every single little thing. It annoys me, I know it annoys my friends, and it will probably annoy her eventually. It’s happened before, will probably happen again. It has destroyed relationships, it has caused me physical issues, and it ruins my life every day. Nothing I can seemingly do to change it. Thus I write about my crazy thoughts here so at least as to delay the inevitable outcome with her, or the next girl.