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Current Music: Flaw – Get Up Again

Hey kids what’s going on? I’m sitting here listening to music obviously.  waiting for the Maintenance dude to come fix my upstairs toilet.  bluh.  anyone remember PinBot?  that game pictured up there?  It’s an original Nintendo game.  amazing pinball game.  used to play that shit for HOURS!  yes!  haha.  found it in one of the bins in the DVD/Movie tent we were in looking for porn at the Swap Meet.  yeah, we went to the Swap Meet last night…

It was fun…I was a little skeptical about going considering what had happened last time, which I haven’t delved into, and I won’t….because like I said, that’s just not my shit….but yeah.  It was a good night, stayed there until about 9:30, then decided we were starving, found out Red Robin closed at 11 and Randy had his Birthday Burger still to redeem, so we drove to the Tucson Mall and ate.  was delicious.  I had their Berzerker Burger which had Sriracha Onion Strings, Spicy Mayo and Spicy Pickles on it.  AMAZING.  then of course their endless fries.  hell yeah.

Then we came home and he went to bed and I did too, but my tummy got upset a little bit and then I just couldn’t sleep for crap so I came downstairs and talked to a few people.  i always find some interesting conversations at like 2 or 3 am.  some of the regular chat people were in the room, but i was talking to this dude that has MS and we were talking about our meds lol.  he takes Gabapentin as well.  so we were discussing that and he takes Relpax for his migraines, whereas I can’t take that stuff blah.  I take the maxalt instead.

but anyway…so I spent my late night talking about that crap lol.  oh well, i like when people actually let me vent to them about this crap. because it’s not often I can talk to that group of people about it.  but you know, we are all human lol.  anyway so that’s fun.  i got up 9 right before Randy left for work and just kinda did this and that, talked to my mom.  (mind you now it’s like 8 PM be because it’s taken me all day to write this)

i made some fried pickles which were amazing and then like my head has been throbbing on and off all day.  today is day three of my dosing down which SUCKS.  ugh.  it’s like i’m back to the beginning of where i was without the damn Topamax.  ugh.  these next couple of weeks are just gonna suck.  argh.  but i’m gonna push through it and hope for the best.  and if not then I’ll figure something out because I just don’t want to be on that drug anymore.  🙁

Anyway…so that’s that.  I’ve been talking again to this guy John that I met last August.  I had to remember when exactly I met him so I was going through my yahoo archives (because I have ALL my conversations archived) and then found the beginning of our conversation and then blah blah blah, so it starts with THIS entry and goes to the next two.  John’s picture is in the 2nd entry.  Brady is mentioned in there, as is Leo and I think Tony is as well lol.  I was being a straight up whore (but a safe one of course lol) back then, well, you all remember.  Of course really, Brady and Tony don’t really count….lol.

But anyway…John was so far out of my league as far as looks and personality and stuff.  He had the most amazing eyes, and Randy’s eyes are pretty much the same color as John’s were which is kinda funny.  but.  yeah.  But I never really went into more detail as to what happened that night that John came over because I was just like he came over we had fun blah blah blah.  But he ended up coming over after I got out of work and we had some drinks and watched a football game and just talked.

Like we pretty much talked about life and his kids and my health issued and just stuff that friends talk about you know?  It was a very interesting and no pressure kind of thing and then we were touching each other and we started making out and we ended up up stairs.  Besides Randy, there has only ever been two other guys that have been able to get me off through penetration and he was one of them.  he also had his tongue pierced which was UHH-Mayzing.  Randy wants to get his re-done…but I dunno if that’s wise considering he’s trying to get promoted at work.

meh.  yeah, so that’s that whole thing.  Like I said I’ve been talking to him recently again.  he was like, I am definitely not trying to interfere with what you’ve got going on, because he had messaged me a while back and was like, i see you’re attached, I was coming into town again and thought I’d look you up because that night was just amazing, but well I guess i’m out of luck.  but yeah he was just like It doesn’t hurt to have a friend to talk to right?  And I was like nope, sure doesn’t.  so we’ve been talking more.  he’s a good guy.  

This entry has taken me several days to write lol, so I’m gonna end it here.  I still feel like crap…blah.  hope you all are having a good weekend.  I have to watch the kids tomorrow.  so I’ll be doing that.  yup yup.  Anyway…take care.  buhbye.



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