Best Present EVER! +Pics and Vids+

 Hey kids, most of you already know (because of facebook) that I had an amazing time at the Concert last night. HOLY CRAP.  But I’ll get to that in just a bit.  Thursday I had my shots and omg if it didn’t feel like my face was going to explode when they were injecting that stuff.  JEEZY CHREEZY.  OMG.  yes ok so my face and tongue were numb the entire rest of the day.

Randy made dinner.  Chicken sandwiches with mozzarella, tomato and bacon.  OMG YES.  Plus he made me some corn.  I love corn on the cob.  I was able to eat it too because the numbness had started to go away.  We also bought ice cream on Wednesday so we had that for dessert while watching the rest of The Chamber of Secrets and then all of Prisoner of Azkaban (Goblet of Fire is probably tonight).

Anywho.  So that was good.  Friday I had to get up and do some stuff.  Ran to the store and got a few things and then came home, ate and started getting ready.  This is what i looked like when I was done and we were heading out the door….

I look skinnier than normal but I AM wearing BLACK and standing sort of sideways.  LOL.  so yeah, I looked good though.  I was happy with how my makeup and hair came out.  WOOT.  The makeup took me like 20 minutes to do, and the hair…well quite a bit longer.  I hate my hair.  If anyone wants to buy me this thing called the TopStyler, that would be great.  I wanna try it to see if it actually works.  BLARGH.  haha. 

So i’ll get on with a few concert pics and a couple videos.  Let me just say that this concert was held in a venue that was no bigger than your average Movie Theater.  Sans seats of course.  there were seats up top in the balcony but we got there way too late to get one of those.  Plus I wanted to be as close as possible.  bah!  It did get a little scary a few times when the crowd flipped their shit (aka when Davey went crowd surfing) and then people were just going crazy, cuz hey, it’s AFI!  lol. 

So here we go with the pics…

Me (well half of me) and the boy.  I ♥ him so!!

Just Davey

First time in the crowd!

By far, the best picture of the night!


Davey and Jade

2nd Crowd Surfing Incident….

This is as close as I got to Davey (and Hunter was there all night)

Ok here are a couple videos.  He’s singing A Deep Slow Panic here…This is probably my favorite song off the New Album (Burials)


Then while he was crowd surfing (or standing I guess…I took this video.


So there you have it my friends, hope you enjoyed.  Today, we are gonna do a few things and then it’s Bobby’s (step-brother) birthday so that will be fun.  ðŸ™‚ Have a good one my friends!

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Looks like a GREAT time!! Love the pixs and Video’s

January 11, 2014

49ers winning the Super Bowl will be the greatest gift

January 12, 2014

I knew u would disagree. My dad is a die hard broncos fan. I am pulling for them to win the AFC.

January 13, 2014

Looks like it was a blast. I’d never heard of this band before now. I’m liking what I’ve heard. Broncs still alive! I think they’ve got a real good shot. Just as long as NE doesn’t take it. Think I’d have to vomit then.