Trying to get me in trouble

Not me, Facility Manager. Apparently he didn’t get told the end of month/end of year inventory for my area got changed to today from Monday. My folks came in early to count and he stopped them. STOPPED THEM! the most important count of the year and he stopped them.

They didn’t get started again until two hours later when I got here. Of course I was questioned as to why *I* was here, and when I told them it was for inventory they acted surprised. They should have either a) called me or b) let them keep counting and checked the schedule on the company intranet to confirm.


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January 28, 2011

Sounds like a clusterf***

January 30, 2011

Goobers indeed! They should have contacted you and asked a question. RYN: Ha! In my opening texts, one of the three opinions I have to read talks specifically about how all the talk that goes on now has already been said and how parliament could save itself a great magnitude of time if it would only read over it’s own historic texts.