TreeSap Update
TreeSap came to the store a couple of nights ago and brought the spawnlet with her. He is adorable! Fortunately he looks more like his mother than his father.
TreeSap is turning out to not be the person I thought she was. I might have mentioned some disappointment with her before, but she really revealed her true colors that night. She didn’t allow the hospital to put her boyfriend’s name on the birth certificate. She’s decided that he’s an ass and wants nothing to do with him. She is encouraging him to leave now, before spawnlet bonds with him, and never come back. She never lets him see his kid for more than a few hours, and then only on Sundays when all the government offices are closed so he can’t have a legally binding paternity test done. She is even considering telling him the baby isn’t his, that she was cheating on him the entire time they were together, and had two other partners the night she got knocked up. It isn’t true, but she wants him gone because he’s an ass.
Of course, we all told her he was an ass from the start, but she wouldn’t listen. Of course I didn’t know how much of one he was until she shared some stories of things he did when she was pregnant. I think the most heinous of the asinine things he did was try to have sex with her when she was sleeping every time she stayed over. She had to sleep on her back with extra pillows to prop her up so she could breathe, and she had been telling him no because she was sore, her heart was already over-stressed just by her being pregnant and he likes it a little rougher than she does. She finally stopped staying with him, but I’m not sure how many times it happened before she did.
Had some freaky dreams the last couple of nights. One night was about two of the ladies that work at my store, one night was about AmandaC and Critter, and we were all naked and sweaty and in my bed by the end of the dream each night. Go figure. Hey, it’s been two years and some change, cut me some slack. And they aren’t randoms, the two ladies at work keep flirting with me and talking about how they are going to get together and take some pictures most 1-hour places won’t print and give them to me, AmandaC and I have been flirting back and forth for almost six years now, and then there’s Critter, and if you don’t know the story there then you haven’t been paying attention. Seriously.
I mentioned on Facebook one day that I’d had to buy a tire at lunch one day because mine were at the end of their usable lives and couldn’t be patched, and my dad asked me a few days later if he could buy me a whole set of tires for a combined birthday/Christmas present. Of course I told him yes, so I’ll be getting that check on the twentieth or so, and I should have my new tires on by the end of the year. What with having to wait twenty-four hours for the check to clear and post and then get to a place that can do the tires while I’m at work, it might have to wait until after Christmas. And the coolest thing is, since I’ve got a full-sized spare, I can do five-tire rotations every six or so thousand miles and get an extra six or so months of life on this set. Yay me! Yeah, he’s only buying four, but I’ve already bought one, remember?
The doctor drama continues. My last set of labs came back within limits, but the prior wonky results and my prolonged diarrhea, fatigue, and muscle pain along my shoulders and upper back prompted an appointment for an ultrasound. That was a little weird. They seemed really interested in my upper midline and the bottom of my rib cage on the right side. They kept asking if I was sure I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink that morning, and there was lots of clicking of keys and long pauses with the sensor wand thingy. Of course I couldn’t see the damn screen to even take a guess, and they wouldn’t tell me diddly either. Said my doctor should have the results by tomorrow (today). Goobers. You’d think I had a Goa’uld or a Trill symbiont inside me the way they were behaving. Of course, maybe I do…(eyes flash).
That’s all I’ve got for now, I’ll keep everyone updated.