
It allegedly snowed here today. I didn’t get any at work, but my deck was wet when I got home so there may have been some here. It’s down to twenty-five now and headed for the upper teens if the folks at The Weather Channel have it right.

Had a good day at work: I promoted one person and wrote up another one. I guess it all evens out.

I’m probably going to be working overnights for the next year, starting Saturday, February 2, 2008. It’s not set in stone but it’s about 99.998% certain. I’ll be losing my good crew and taking over a group of misfits that only seem to show up when they want to, and only work half the time they show up. It may end up being me and the other two managers working all the freight if I end up firing everyone. That’s one of the reasons I’m going overnight: because I’ve demonstrated that I have no problem holding people accountable to both the company policies and the instructions I give them. The managers that are coming off overnights have tried to whip the workers back into shape but they’ve failed to keep the necessary distance between manager and employee so they don’t want to be “mean” to everyone. I can be friendly and polite, I can even ask about the family and have a 75% chance of getting their names right the first time, I am not, however, their friend. I can’t be. It won’t work that way, as evidenced by the situation the overnight managers find themselves in now.

There’s more there that needs saying, but I’m not sure how to say it. My boss said some things to me today, pointing out things I didn’t realize, and it made me look at myself in a new light. It was good stuff, but I’m not sure how to express it without sounding full of myself. I may just do it as a Private entry so I’ve got it, but I don’t have to worry about anyone seeing it.

I’m not sure.

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In the same vein of slacker employees:::: the girl that had to take over my position when I was laid off is an A #1 slacker she can stub her toes and call in sick. Unless I was breathing my last breathe I came in to work!!