Paperwork Drama but no Buddy Time

Nope, no buddy time with Critter last night. I’ll see if I can’t catch her later in the week, although by then the need to talk to someone will have either resolved itself or I’ll be reduced to gibbering incoherence and back out on medical leave. Whichever, they both work for me.

I went to bed around 0400 and finally managed to get up around 0830 after hitting snooze every eighteen minutes for about an hour. I was seriously cranky and if it hadn’t been for the fact that I was going to get fired for failing to return from my leave if I didn’t have that stupid release form I’d have just said to hell with it and gone back to sleep. I got the form, but I’m pretty sure there’s going to be even more drama at work tonight since Dr. K wasn’t there and no one that was there felt comfortable signing the form to extend my LOA by two days, so I can’t get that form until tomorrow at the earliest, and If I can wait until I go to therapy on Thursday to pick it up I will. Save me from the paper pushers, please! Yes, I understand that this is important, but for God’s sake do you have to mention termination in every sentence when you’re talking to me about this? It’s not like stress is the thing that put me out on leave in the first place or anything…

I’m going to check the TiVo and see if it grabbed anything interesting after I went to bed and then I’m going to take some sleeping pills and try to get back to sleep so I’m all bright eyed and bushy tailed  tonight.

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