No news so far

But no one bothered to tell me Mego was gone either, so I’ll see when I go back tomorrow.

I’ve got the kids today and they are a lot more wound up than they normally are. I almost wish I had some children’s Benadryl, but even if I had it I wouldn’t give it to them just to knock them out. Probably.

I don’t want to give a poor impression of my store, I really don’t. The only real problems we have are Blondie and Shouldn’t Be, and everything else is good. If either of them had a professional bone in their body then we wouldn’t be having the problems we are. Shouldn’t Be thinks she’s untouchable because she’s a minority female so she just does what she wants when she wants. Blondie just won’t listen. She’s been of the opinion that she’s better than the rest of us since she walked in the store and when any of us tried to give her advice or answer an actual question that she asked us she just ignored us or decided we were wrong and went of in her own direction. There was one time I actually pulled a policy up on the intranet to prove to her she was about to screw up and she had the stones to tell me that the policy on the intranet was wrong and she was right. Wow.

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