Muscles and Bones

Sleep helped tremendously. My foot is still a bit sore but not like it was earlier, so I"m going to assume it was some sort of cramp.

I forgot to mention that we got out right on time this morning, and only had to stay an hour over yesterday because we had to finish up the paperwork for the shift. I had all my stuff memorized and just jotted it down really quick. The other manager didn’t have any idea of who he’d put where or how long they took to do the jobs. It’s always some sort of drama with him. If he’d just write this stuff down as the night goes on (he usually carries the paperwork with him all night) it would be so much easier to get out in the morning.

Critter was working overnight earlier in the week, but I don’t know about tonight so I don’t want to call in case she isn’t quite up yet (she tends to sleep as long as possible). I’ll drop by the store around eleven or so (I need to buy some things anyway) and see if she’s there.

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My foot has been hurting all week from the high heel sandals I wore to church on Sunday. If you were wearing high heel shoes, that can your little secret!!!!!

April 24, 2008

eat nanners they will help wiht the cramping