[M] Long pointless day
Today is the day before inventory. Of course there’s the normal last-minute running around but for Pete’s sake, this is not the first time around for most of us, so back up off me will ya? I was told I had better get started pre-counting my multi-sku stuff, and I told Senior Manager Who Shouldn’t Be there wasn’t a lot of it and it *would* be done before we all left. She responded by telling me I didn’t *know* what I had and didn’t have that was multi-sku and my dog toys alone would take several hours, I needed to start *right now!*
I haven’t carried dog toys in my department in at least a year if not longer. It took longer for me to print the labels off than it did to count the stuff. I really wish she’d go away. She’s talking about us being here until midnight or later, not sure why, there really isn’t any need for it. I guess maybe she figures she always had to stay so now we will too.
Not sure how they managed it but Mego & Blondie got to go to lunch first even though they came in an hour after everyone else. That blows.